新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语歌曲网友翻唱 > 网友翻唱英文歌欣赏:《人证》插曲草帽歌

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/04 19:21  100e科技


  The Straw Hat\草帽歌\《人证》插曲


  Ma-ma, do you re-rem-ber

  the old straw hat you gave to me?

  I lost the hat long a-go flew to the fog-gy can-you.

  [Yeah, ma-ma, I won-der

  what hap-pened to that old straw hat

  fall-'in down the moun-tain side,

  out of my reach like your heart.

  [Sud-den-ly that wind came up steal-'in my hat from me.

  Yeah, swirl-'in whirl-'in gusts of wind blow 'in it higher a-way.

  [Ma-ma, that old straw hat

  was the on-ly one I real-ly loved,

  but we lost it, no one could bring it back like the life you gave me.

  [Sud-den-ly that wind came up

  steal-'in my hat from me. Yeah, swirl-'in whirl-'in gusts of wind

  blow-'in it higher a-way.

  [Ma-ma, that old straw hat

  was the on-ly one I real-ly loved,

  but we lost it, no one could bring it back

  like the life you gave me,

  like the life you gave me.




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