异国他乡畅行无阻 旅游英语不可不看(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/29 16:31 精品购物指南 |
投诉和道歉 遇到不满意的事情需要投诉时,礼貌地说比较奏效。 在商店,收款员找错了钱。Excuse me, I think you’ve given me the wrong change. 在酒店,房间的调温器坏了。Excuse me, but there’s a problem with the heating in my room.或Sorry to bother you, but I think there’s something wrong with the air-conditioning. 失窃了。I’m afraid I have to make a complaint. Some money has gone missing from my hotel room. 房间没有整理。I’m afraid there’s a slight problem with my room - the bed hasn’t been made. (作者:孙琳琳) |
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