新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你的房间号是多少?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/01 12:47  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  What’s your room number?



  A Room service, please.

  A 是客房服务部吗?

  B Yes, how can I help you?

  B 是的,您需要什么?

  A Can I order some coffee and sandwiches, please?

  A 请问我能订咖啡和三明治吗?

  B Certainly, sir. What’s your room number?

  B 当然可以,先生。您的房间号是多少?

  A It’s 1288: one, two, eight, eight.

  A 是1288: 1,2,8,8。

  B Ok. 1288. Twelve, eighty-eight.

  B 好。1288。 12,88。

  A Yes, that’s right.

  A 对。

  Notes 注释

  1 If someone asks for help, you can say How can I help you? / How can I help you?

  如果某人要求帮助,你可以说How can I help you? /您需要什么?

  2 In hotels, when you use a room number above one thousand, e.g. 1288, you can say it two different ways, either by using the individual numbers one at a time, e.g.: one, two, eight, eight / one, two, eight, eight – or you can break the big number into two parts and say twelve, eight-eight / twelve, eighty-eight.

  在旅馆里,当你说一个一千以上的房间号时,比如1288,你可以用两种方法来表示,一种方法时依次说出各个数字,如:one, two, eight, eight /一,二,八,八-或者把这个大数字分成两个数字来说twelve, eight-eight /十二,八十八。

  3 This way of saying a big number is usually only used for things like hotel rooms and telephone numbers. If it is an amount, e.g. money, or a number of people, you would say the number this way: one thousand, two hundred and eighty eight / one thousand, two hundred and eighty eight.

  这种说数字的方法通常只适用于旅馆的房间号和电话号码。如果是表示一个数量,如钱或者人的数量,你应该这样说:one thousand, two hundred and eighty eight / 一千二百八十八。

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  Room Service, please.是客房服务部吗?

  How can I help you?您需要什么?

  Can I order some coffee and sandwiches, please?请问我能来一些咖啡和三明治吗?

  What’s your room number?您的房间号是多少?

  1288. One, two, eight, eight.是1288: 1,2,8,8。

  1288. Twelve, eighty-eight.1288: 12,88。

  That’s right.对。



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