新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 在北京有多少人居住?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/04 19:25  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  How many people live in Beijing?



  A Beijing is so busy! There are so many people.

  A 北京太繁华了。有这么多的人。

  B Yes, it’s really a big city, Paul.

  B 是的,这是一个非常大的城市,保罗。

  A What’s the population? How many people live in Beijing?

  A 北京的人口是多少?有多少人住在北京?

  B I’m not sure. I think it’s about 14 million.

  B 我不太确定。我想大约是1400万。

  A 14 million! That’s a lot. Beijing is much bigger than London.

  A 1400万!太多了。北京比伦敦大得多。


  1 If you want to ask how many people live in a city, or a country, you can ask in these ways: What’s the population of Beijing? / What’s the population of Beijing? or How many people live in Beijing? / How many people live in Beijing?

  如果你想问一个城市或者一个国家有多少人,你可以用这些方法来问:What’s the population of Beijing? / 北京的人口是多少? 或者 How many people live in Beijing? / 北京有多少人居住?

  2 If you talk about something, such as a number (or a time) and you cannot be exact, you can use about . . . / about . . . e.g.: About 14 million / About 14 million; About 6 o’clock / About 6 o’clock.

  如果你谈论一个你不太确定的事情,例如一个数字(或者时间),你可以用about . . . /大约. . .例如:About 14 million / 大约一千四百万; About 6 o’clock / 大约6点。

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  Beijing is so busy! 北京太繁华了。

  There are so many people. 有这么多的人。

  What’s the population? 北京的人口是多少?

  How many people live in Beijing? 有多少人住在北京?

  I’m not sure. I think it’s about 14 million. 我不太确定。我想大约是1400万。

  That’s a lot. It’s much bigger than London.太多了。北京比伦敦大得多。



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