双语:爱上大长今女友 我彻夜难眠(音频) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/11 17:45 《视听英语》杂志 | |
本页上播放的所有视听内容未经新浪许可,不得转载。 编者语: 自从热门的韩国电视连续剧《大长今》开播之后,全国掀起了一股“长今”热——韩国料理、服饰等韩国文化受到了国民的广泛欢迎。至今,这股余热尚未散尽,还留下了“后遗症”。 My “Jang Geum” Girlfriend In the past, the three scariest words in my mind were “return my money!” As for my girlfriend, her three favorite words were “I love you.” Nowadays, we finally have jointed together. The three words that scare me but please her the most are: Dae Jang Geum. Dae Jang Geum is a hot new Korean TV series. Because of this series, my personal status and living standard have been drastically degraded. My girlfriend used to cook every evening—four courses and a bowl of soup—and then reminded me tenderly, “Dinner is ready. Come on, honey!” Even in this circumstance I was unsatisfied with her cooking skills. Well, now she does nothing but sit in front of the TV when she’s not at work, and commands me like commanding her coolie, “You—go make some instant noodles. Come and watch the play and just imagine we are enjoying Korean dishes.” So I find my imagination has made a great leap forward after watching this series. I can imagine that I’m gnawing a piece of Korean bacon while actually I am actually chewing a piece of pickle. She also swears to learn all Korean dishes in Dae Jang Geum. So she orders me to stand by the TV and record any details of Jang Geum’s cooking. But when she presented her version of Korean food to me one day, my careless comments: “Weird! Is it the dog-meat we bought recently?” Now that costs me a sleepless night on the living room sofa. “You can easily get things done if you find the right tools.” My girlfriend blamed her clumsy kitchen performances on her knives. Compared with the royal cooks in the series, her knife work was pretty slow, so I decided to buy her a new kitchen knife. In a kitchenware store, she became unusually patient when making her selection, reiterating, “how can’t I find Jang Geum’s knife, how can I?!” As she tested each knife, she concluded by shaking her head and saying, “too light…too blunt…too heavy.” The confused salesman asked me privately, “Qiangjin? Charged with bank-robbery?” Anyway, she finally picked one that was the closest shape of Jang Geum’s. To prove that her slow knife skill was due to the blunt knives, she speeded up her cutting and chopping. As a result, she hurt her fingers three times. It is lucky that it was not too serious, thanks to the dumb salesman. The knife is not as sharp as he boasts. You don’t need any reason to love somebody. But to love a TV series, you do. My girlfriend is a fan of Jang Geum’s Korean dressing style. Not only did she talk about the dress every day, she also threatened to convert my tie into a butterfly knot like the one on Jang Geum’s dress. Finally, I lost my patience and took her to a maternity shop where I recommend one suit to her, “Do you think it looks like a Korean dress? Should we have one?” Coincidently, my future parents-in-law just happened to be window-shopping at the time. They were pretty stunned when they saw what we were doing. The Dae Jang Geum series aims at mobilizing the ambition of the youth. However, it fails to mobilize my girlfriend’s ambitions. Instead of being engaged in her work or study, she simply slouches on the sofa every night, staring at the TV, a bag of chips in her hand. This situation has changed little even though the series is now over. | |
趣味双语:女友变身大长今 我彻夜难眠(音频) | |
以前,我最怕听到的三个字是“快还钱”,女朋友最想听到的三个字是“我爱你”,现在,我们终于找到了共同语言,我最怕听到的三个字和她最想听到的三个字都是“大长今”。 《大长今》是正在热播的韩国电视连续剧,此剧开播后,我急剧地发现自己的生活水平和家庭地位一落千丈。以往晚上女友总会亲自下厨做一顿四菜一汤,然后温柔地叫我:“饭已OK,过去米西吧,亲爱的。”那时的我还不知满足地挑剔饭菜不好吃,但近来,她一下班就端坐在电视前,呼唤小工似的喊:“去,煮点儿泡面去,你煮完面赶紧过来看电视里的韩国美食,就想象我们正在吃韩国大餐。”陪她看完《大长今》之后,我发现我的想象力得到了飞速提升,我可以啃着一块咸菜想象着自己正在撕咬着一块韩国烤肉。 女友发誓要学习做《大长今》中的韩国菜,她命令我站在电视的前面,随时记录下长今做菜的每一个细节。一日,她端出了一盘仿制品,我看了一眼,无意说了一句“咱家新买的狗粮?这么难看。”当天晚上,我就睡在客厅的沙发上,彻夜未眠。 “工欲善其事,必先利其器。”当女友看了电视里那些韩国宫廷高手飞快地切菜的时候,就把自己切菜缓慢的原因归咎于家中所用菜刀不顺手。我决定陪她去买菜刀。在买厨具的地方,她一反常态,耐心地反复挑选,嘴里不停地说:“怎么没有长今用的那种?怎么没有长今用的那种。”并且手里提着菜刀,摇着头“太轻”、“不锋利”、“太沉”。厨具店的伙计悄悄地问我说:“抢金(长今)?是不是抢劫银行了?”最后挑了一把最象电视里的菜刀提回家,她为了验证自己切菜不快是因为菜刀的缘故,所以大幅提高自己的切菜速度,最后手指被割了三次,血流得不多,幸好,菜刀并不像店伙计说的那么削铁如泥。 爱一个人是不需要什么理由的,但是爱一部电视剧是可以有很多种方法的。女友喜欢上了长今穿的那些韩国服饰,每天对我唠叨说那些衣服是多么好看,并且不止一次地威胁说她要拿我的领带来当韩国妇女衣服上的蝴蝶结。最后无法忍受唠叨的我把她带到了孕妇专卖店,指着一件孕妇装说:“这衣服你看比较象韩国衣服吧?要不咱买一件?”这时正好遇到逛街的未来岳父岳母,当时他们看着我们两个,目光中满是震惊。 《大长今》被称为青春励志片,看了《大长今》后,她并没有如我想象的那样,开始头悬门梁锥刺屁股地工作和学习,而是每天晚上盘坐在沙发上,目不转睛地看着电视,手捧一大袋薯片,这种状态直到《大长今》播完后都未能改变。(编译:土拨鼠)
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