捷克动物园大猩猩勇夺“真人秀”冠军 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/17 20:33 国际在线 |
Richard, a 14-year old grey and black gorilla, was declared the winner of Prague's zoo's alternative reality show on Sunday and can look forward to a first prize of 12 melons, melon meaning million in Czech slang, the zoo told AFP. Richard, the dominant male in the group of four gorillas, received the most SMS votes from viewers who have been able to follow the gorillas' every day activities on a web cam Internet launched by the zoo on November 7 last year. Regular reports were also carried on Czech radio and by the Czech public service broadcaster, Czech Television. The gorilla show, called "Odhaleni," [exposed] was launched by the zoo when the Czech Republic appeared in the grip of reality show fever with both of the country's two main commercial stations broadcasting daily updates on the activities of their human contestants. It was the animal version that won the approval of Czech Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek when he visited the zoo in December. He described it as "more tasteful" than its human counterparts, which were both fined millions of koruna by the Czech broadcasting watchdog for their foul language and sexually explicit behavior. Richard has been ahead in viewer preferences for several weeks, a fact which the zoo described as somewhat surprising given his "authoritative" and not "always positive behavior." A serious goal lay behind the zoo's cheeky send up of reality shows. Money raised from the SMS votes will go to help save gorillas in the wild. |
捷克动物园大猩猩勇夺“真人秀”冠军 |
1月15日,捷克首都布拉格动物园宣布,一只现年14岁名叫理查德的雄性大猩猩夺得该园举行的另类“真人秀”冠军,它所获得的奖品为12个瓜,而在捷克俚语里,一个瓜就意味着一百万克朗的金钱。 据法新社1月15日报道,本次大赛的开始日期为2005年11月7日,观众可以通过网络摄像头来密切关注这只大猩猩日常生活中的一举一动。另外,捷克广播电台和非营利性质的捷克电视台也对此事进行了定期报道。观众于当日以发送手机短信的方式选出了本次大赛的冠军,浑身毛发呈灰黑相间颜色的理查德得票最多,它是园内大猩猩的首领。理查德数周以来始终得到大多数观众的偏爱,这一点令动物园方面也颇感诧异,在他们看来,理查德的日常行为显得是那么的“专横武断”。 一股真人秀热潮在最近一段时间内席卷了整个捷克共和国。有鉴于此,布拉格动物园也特地主办了这次名为“真相大白”的大猩猩真人秀。动物版真人秀得到捷克总理帕劳贝克的赞许,去年12月参观该动物园时,帕劳贝克曾表示,与那些人类参赛者相比,大猩猩真人秀显得要“更有趣味”。(文/张咏) |
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