
新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语沙龙 > 孕育子女的海马爸爸

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/25 19:17  英语沙龙

  It’s true that male seahorses never play catch with their children or help them with their homework. But they do outdo(胜过) human dads on one count(事项,问题) Male seahorses undergo(承担) pregnancy and give birth to their sons and daughters. The trait2 is unique in these strange and fascinating(迷人的) fish that inhabit tropical(热带的) and temperate(温带的) coastal waters worldwide. Seahorses which range from less than an inch to a foot in length have evolved3 a series of unusual adaptations(适应性的变化). They’re such an unusuallooking fish people sometimes don’t realize they’re real fish.

  The male seahorse has a pouch on its stomach in which to carry babies—as many as 2000 at a time. A pregnancy lasts from 10 to 25 days depending on the species. The reproductive(繁殖的) process begins when a male and a female seahorse do daily predawn dances intertwining(使缠结) their tails and swimming together. Eventually they engage in a true courtship(求婚) dance which can last as long as eight hours. It ends with the female depositing her eggs in the male’s pouch.

  The eggs hatch in the pouch. The father cares for the young as they grow regulating(调整,调节) the water salinity(盐度) in the pouch to prepare them for life in the sea. When the tiny seahorses are ready to be born the male undergoes muscular contractions(收缩) to expel4 the young known as “fry(鱼苗)” from the pouch.

  While seahorse dads go the extra(额外的,外加的) mile to give birth the parents do not provide their tiny offspring5 with any care or protection after they are born. Infant(未成年的) seahorses are susceptible(易受影响的) to death from predators(捕食者) and being swept into ocean currents(洋流) where they drift away from feeding grounds rich in microscopic(极小的,微小的) organisms6. Fewer than five infant seahorses in every 1000 survive to adulthood(成年) which helps explain why the litters7 are so large.





  海马爸爸会游到一英里之外去生孩子,但小海马出生后父母不会给极其幼小的儿女们任何照看或保护。未成年的海马很容易死于捕食的天敌,也容易卷入洋流中漂走,从而离开富含微小生物的觅食海域。1000只小海马中只有不到5只能够长大成熟,这也可以解释为什么海马一次繁殖的数目这么大。□慕白 选译




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