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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/10 20:36  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I’m going to the gym.


  A I need to keep fit. Get more exercise.

  A 我需要合适的身材。需要更多的锻炼。

  B I know what you mean. It can be difficult to find the time to keep fit.

  B 我明白你的意思。很难找到锻炼身体的时间。

  A I know. I never have enough time to do anything.

  A 我知道。做任何事情我都没有足够的时间。

  B Maybe you should try going to the Sports Club at the hotel. There’s a good gym there.

  B 也许你应该到旅馆的体育俱乐部去试试。那里有一个不错的健身房。

  A You’re right. That’s a good idea. I can go there easily.

  A 你说得对。这是一个好主意。去那里很容易。

  B It’s a good way to keep fit. Go once a week if you can.

  B 这是强身健体的好方法。如果可以的话,一周去一次。

  A Right. I’m going to the gym. Every week from now on.

  A 对。我要去健身房。从现在开始每周都去。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you want to talk about how much, or how little time you have, you can say various things, e.g. It can be difficult to find the time. / It can be difficult to find the time; I never have enough time to . . . / I never have enough time to . . .

  如果你想说你时间很多或者很少,你可以用不同的方法,例如:It can be difficult to find the time. / 找时间很难; I never have enough time to . . . / 我从来没有足够的时间. . .

  2 To suggest something to someone, you can say Maybe you should . . . / Maybe you should . . . e.g. Maybe you should go to the gym. / Maybe you should go to the gym.

  要建议某人做某事,你可以说:Maybe you should . . . / 也许你应该 . . . 例如: Maybe you should go to the gym. / 也许你应该到健身房去。

  3 You can describe any sport or exercise activity as a good way to keep healthy or fit by saying It’s a good way to keep fit. / It’s a good way to keep fit; Walking is a good way to get exercise. / Walking is a good way to get exercise.

  你可以这样描述强身健体的任何运动或者锻炼方法:It’s a good way to keep fit. / 这是强身健体的好方法; Walking is a good way to get exercise. /走路是锻炼身体的好方法。

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  I need to keep fit. Get more exercise. 我需要合适的身材。需要更多的锻炼。

  I know what you mean. It can be difficult to find the time to keep fit. 我明白你的意思。很难找到锻炼身体的时间。

  I know. I never have enough time to do anything. 我知道。做任何事情我都没有足够的时间。

  Maybe you should try going to the Sports Club at the hotel. There’s a good gym there. 也许你应该到旅馆的体育俱乐部去试试。那里有一个不错的健身房。

  You’re right. That’s a good idea. I can go there easily. 你说得对。这是一个好主意。去那里很容易。

  It’s a good way to keep fit. Go once a week if you can. 这是强身健体的好方法。如果可以的话,一周去一次。

  Right. I’m going to the gym. Every week from now on. 对。我要去健身房。从现在开始每周都去。



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