秦苏珊英语中心2006年3月16日成立(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/17 17:53 新浪英语 |
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中国学生的喜讯: 北京外国语大学和普城英语集团合作 成立秦苏珊英语中心 ![]() 北京时间2006年3月16日 - 北京外国语大学和普城英语集团举行了签约仪式,启动新的语言培训合作项目-“秦苏珊英语中心”。“秦苏珊英语中心”是普城英语集团(一位前任托福®总监创办的公司)所持有的商标,双方所签的协议开创了激动人心的东西方结合的教学法。 北京外国语大学副校长李朋义讲到:“北京外国语大学是中国最好的语言培训机构,今年正好是我们建校65周年。在这漫长的历史里,我们培养出大量的、包括外交官在内的高端学生。而秦苏珊是语言测试与培训领域的顶级专家,所以我们非常高兴能增加‘秦苏珊英语中心’这个项目来壮大我们英语培训项目的阵容。今天,协议的签订,将英语教学技术整合出崭新的模式,帮助中国学生的英语达到更高的层次。” 普城英语集团总裁、前美国教育考试服务中心托福考试命题总监秦苏珊是英语语言行业所熟悉的专家。她说:“现在是瞬息万变的时代,语言标准也是在不断变化的。专业方面的口语和写作已经是绝对需要的,这些变化在网考托福中已有所体现。我很激动,能和中国最优秀的语言培训机构合作这个重要的项目。‘秦苏珊英语中心’将会提供原汁原味正宗的听说、读写英语内容,和专为中国学生所设计的最前沿的授课方式。” 首期课程将于5月份开班,课程是为备考网考托福所开设的,网考托福是基于网络的一种托福考试,年内将在中国开始实施。除了去评定听力和阅读能力,网考还增加了新的综合写作和口语的考试题目,要求应试者从多渠道获得信息并就此论述。 关于普城英语集团 普城英语集团是具有革新精神的公司,帮助语言学习者达到他们的学习目标。秦苏珊,前托福命题总监,在英语考试和培训上有着三十多年的丰富经验。她能说流利的中文,写出了大量的关于语言的论题,其中包括中国学生的学习优势和弱点。秦苏珊在21世纪报网络版和新浪网提供很多英语学习方面的材料。详情请登陆:edu.sina.com.cn/focus/susan/index.html 关于北京外国语大学 北京外国语大学1941年建校,是教育部直属的全国重点院校之一,共有35个语种,是我国外语院校中历史最悠久、层次齐全、语种最多的高等院校。北京外国语大学在外语教学培训上积攒了丰富的经验,拥有前沿的教学技术。欲了解详情,请登陆:www.bwpx.com |
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秦苏珊英语中心2006年3月16日成立(图) |
Welcome News for Chinese Students: Princeton English Group Partners with Beijing Foreign Studies University to Establish Susan Chyn English Center BEIJING, March 16, 2006 – Princeton English Group, a company founded by a former TOEFL®director, and Beijing Foreign Studies University today announced that they are joining forces to offer a new English-language training program, to be operated under Princeton English Group’s trademark—Susan Chyn English Center. The agreement creates an educational effort that constitutes an exciting synergy between the best pedagogy from East and West. Beijing Foreign Studies University Vice President Li Pengyi said: “Our university is considered the best language training provider in China. This year is our 65th anniversary, and throughout our long history we have trained many advanced-level students, including diplomats. Susan Chyn is one of the premier experts in the field of language testing and language training, which is why we are so pleased to be expanding our English-language offerings to include a Susan Chyn English Center. Today's agreement brings together English-language expertise in new ways that will allow Chinese students to raise their English to a higher level.” Susan Chyn, president of Princeton English Group and a former Educational Testing Service director for TOEFL test development, is no stranger to the English-language market. “In this dynamic era of global education, language standards continue to be transformed. Speaking and writing about professional topics have become imperatives, as is seen in the new requirements for the TOEFL®iBT test. I’m thrilled to be working on this key program with one of China’s finest language training providers. Together with BFSU, the Susan Chyn English Center will offer authentic spoken and written English texts and cutting-edge pedagogy designed for Chinese learners.” The first classes are set to begin in May, leading off with preparation classes for TOEFL iBT, a new internet-based version of the test which is scheduled to be administered in China later this year. In addition to assessing listening and reading comprehension, the new test includes integrated writing and speaking tasks requiring the test taker to combine information from more than one source and communicate about it. About Princeton English Group: Princeton English Group is an innovative company established to help language learners reach their language goals. Susan Chyn, a former TOEFL director, has over 30 years of experience in English testing and training. She speaks fluent Chinese and has written extensively on language issues, including Chinese learner’s strengths and weaknesses. Chyn contributes to English-learning portals on 21stcentury.com and sina.com. For more information, visit edu.sina.com.cn/focus/susan/index.html. About Beijing Foreign Studies University: Beijing Foreign Studies University, founded in 1941, is one of the key universities directly under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. It offers 35 languages, the largest number of foreign languages taught in Chinese universities. The university has rich experience in teaching foreign languages with state-of-the-art technology. For more information, visit www.bwpx.com |
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