我的脚踝扭伤了 | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/25 11:39 北京市民讲外语活动组委会 | ||
I’ve twisted my ankle. 我的脚踝扭伤了。 A What’s up? Why are you limping? A 怎么了?你为什么一瘸一拐的? B I twisted my ankle. It really hurts. B 我的脚踝扭伤了。很疼。 A How did you do that? A 怎么搞的? B It was nothing serious. I just twisted it when I was walking. B 没什么大事。是我走路的时候扭伤的。 A It looks swollen. You shouldn’t walk on it. You should rest. A 看起来肿了。你不应该再用伤脚走路了。你应该休息。 B I know. I’m going to put some ice on it. B 我知道。我将在它上面敷些冰。 Notes注释 1 To ask someone what happened, you can say: What’s up? / What’s up? Or What happened? / What happened? 要问某人发生了什么事,你可以说:What’s up? /怎么了?或者 What happened? /发生了什么事? 2 Usually when you hurt your ankle, you say: I twisted my ankle. / I twisted my ankle; or I sprained my ankle. / I sprained my ankle. 当你扭伤脚踝时通常可以说:I twisted my ankle. / 我扭伤了脚踝; 或者 I sprained my ankle. /我扭伤了脚踝。
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