新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 颐和园在北京的西北部

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/04/20 20:52  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  The Summer Palace is north-west of Beijing.


  A What’s the best way to get to the Summer Palace?

  A 去颐和园最好的方法是什么?

  B Probably taking a taxi is the fastest.

  B 可能乘出租车是最快的。

  A I might check if there is an organised tour from the hotel.

  A 我会看一下旅馆有没有组织旅游团。

  B That could be a good idea. The hotel would organise a guide.

  B 这是一个好主意。旅馆会安排导游。

  A Yes. Where is the Summer Palace?

  A 是的。颐和园的位置在哪里?

  B It’s not too far. It’s in the north-west of Beijing.

  B 不太远。在北京的西北部。

  Notes 注释

  1 There are many ways to specify a location or position, you can also use directions, e.g. north-west / north-west; The Summer Palace is north-west of Beijing. / The Summer Palace is north-west of Beijing.

  要指出确切的地点或者位置有很多种方法,你也可以用方向来说明,例如:north-west / 西北; The Summer Palace is north-west of Beijing. / 颐和园在北京的西北部。

  2 You can use check / check when you want to say you are finding out something, e.g. I might check if there as an organised tour. / I might check if there is an organised tour.; I will check the timetable. / I will check the timetable.

  当你想说你在调查某事时可以用check /查看,例如:I might check if there as an organised tour. /我会看一下是否有旅游团; I will check the timetable. / 我将看一下时间表。

  3 You can also describe the general distance to a place by saying various things, using far / far; near / near, e.g. It’s not too far. / It’s not too far.; It’s quite near. / It’s quite near.

  你也可以用多种方法描述某地的大致距离,如用far / 远的; near / 近的, 例如: It’s not too far. / 不太远; It’s quite near. / 相当近。

Key phrases and sentences


What’s the best way to get to the Summer Palace?

Probably taking a taxi is the fastest.

I might check if there is an organised tour from the hotel.

That could be a good idea. 

The hotel would organise a guide.

Yes.  Where is the Palace?

It’s not too far. 

It’s in the north-west of Beijing.

















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