新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 这里的天气和纽约相似么?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/05/13 11:45  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Is it similar to the weather in New York?


  A It’s too hot today! Too hot for shopping, too hot for walking, too hot for sightseeing.

  A 今天太热了!太热了,不适合去购物,不适合散步,也不适合观光。

  B Yes, you’re right. It’s too hot. I think we need a cool drink.

  B 是的,你说得对。太热了。我想我们需要喝杯冷饮。

  A Good idea. This reminds me of New York.

  A 好主意。这使我想起了纽约。

  B Is it similar to the weather in New York?

  B 这里的天气和纽约相似么?

  A Yes, kind of. We get really hot summers and really cold winters.

  A 是的,有点。那里夏天非常热,冬天非常冷。

  B Yeah – that sounds like Beijing.

  B 是啊—听起来就像北京的天气。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember you can use too / too if you want to emphasise something: It’s too hot for shopping. / It’s too hot for shopping; Too hot for walking. / Too hot for walking.

  记住如果你想强调某事,可以用too /太: It’s too hot for shopping. / 天太热了,不适合购物; Too hot for walking. / 太热了,不适合散步。

  2 You can ask whether something is similar in various ways, e.g. Is it similar to the weather in New York? / Is it similar to the weather in New York?; Is the weather in New York like the weather in Beijing? / Is the weather in New York like the weather in Beijing?

  你可以多种方法问某事是否是相似的,例如:Is it similar to the weather in New York? /这里的天气和纽约相似么?; Is the weather in New York like the weather in Beijing? /纽约的天气和北京的相似吗?

Key phrases and sentences


It’s too hot today!  Too hot for

shopping, too hot for walking, too hot

for sightseeing.

Yes, you’re right.  It’s too hot. 

I think we need a cool drink.

Good idea.  This reminds me of New


Is it similar to the weather in New York?

Yes, kind of. 

We get really hot summers and really

cold winters.

Yeah – that sounds like Beijing.













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