新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 伦敦的交通状况怎么样

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/05/15 19:51  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  What’s the traffic like in London?


  A It takes longer to go anywhere during rush-hours.

  A 在高峰时刻去任何地方花的时间都要长些。

  B Yes, I hate it. It’s too busy. What’s the traffic like in London?

  B 是的,我讨厌这一点。太繁忙了。伦敦的交通状况怎么样?

  A In London? Just the same really.

  A 伦敦吗?其实都一样。

  B I suppose it is the same in rush-hours in big cities.

  B 我想在大城市高峰时刻都一样。

  A It’s getting better in London. Drivers have to pay if they go into the city centre. So there’s less traffic now.

  A 伦敦的交通状况有所改善。司机们如果要进入市中心需要付费。所以现在交通不那么拥挤了。

  B Drivers have to pay! That might be a good idea for Beijing – to reduce the traffic.

  B 司机们要付费!这对北京来说可能是个好主意——可以减少车辆。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember how you can talk about how long a journey takes, e.g. It takes longer to go anywhere during rush-hours. / It takes longer to go anywhere during rush-hours.

  记住怎样说某个旅程有多长,例如:It takes longer to go anywhere during rush-hours. /在高峰时刻去任何地方花的时间都要长些。

  2 When you must do something, you can use must . . ./ must . . . ; or have to . . ./ have to . . .e.g. Drivers have to pay if they go into the city centre. / Drivers have to pay if they go into the city centre.

  当你必须做某事时,你可以用must . . . /必须 . . . 或者 have to . . . / 不得不 . . .例如: Drivers have to pay if they go into the city centre. /司机们如果要进入市中心需要付费。

Key phrases and sentences


It takes longer to go anywhere during rush-hours.

Yes, I hate it.  It’s too busy. 

What’s the traffic like in London?

In London?  Just the same really.

I suppose it is the same in rush-hours in big cities.

t’s getting better in London. 

Drivers have to pay if they go into the city centre. 


So there’s less traffic now.

Drivers have to pay!  That might be a good idea for Beijing – to reduce the traffic.















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