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Learning Tips 6--自学策略
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/05/25 10:16  新浪英语

  I graduated from university last year. Now I have a chance to study further at a prestigious institute of technology. But I don't know what to study.

  I don't know what your area of specialization is, but here is some advice about the PROCESS of planning for advanced study and a career:

  First, you must reflect upon yourself 审视自己. Write down your:

  1) Interests, abilities, skills, and work values

  2) Accomplishments to date

  Next, research and write down what your concrete options for study are:

  1) Learn about the types of practical experience available as an intern

  2) Assess your likes and dislikes related to work environments and actual work tasks

  3) Determine what NEW specific coursework or skills you need to achieve your career goals

  4) Look REALISTICALLY at the economic situation in the job market, demand for certain jobs, salaries, etc.

  Finally, using the information above, match your goals with your learning needs and ideal job targets.

  As you go through this process, remember this: Labor researchers have found that, in the 21st century, people will likely change jobs and even their career fields four or five times in a lifetime. So think of this planning and learning as a life-long process. English will always be an important skill in the workplace, but of course English alone is not enough.



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