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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/13 20:20  国际在线


  Jens Lehmann is confident that Germany will be at concert pitch for the start of the World Cup finals. Germany stuttered to a 2-2 draw with Japan on Tuesday, with the home defence ripped to shreds on numerous occasions.


  "Of course we have to improve, but it is normal that we make some mistakes at this stage," said Lehmann.

  "We know where we can improve. Other teams have the same problems at this stage of their preparations, but I would prefer us to not commit the same mistakes again in 10 days. "

  "You (the English) know that we are capable of delivering in a tournament, especially when no one expects anything from us.

  "That is why you admire us."


  Lehmann also revealed that he is not at his sharpest, but feels he will improve for another friendly outing against Colombia on Friday.

  He added: "I felt a little tired in the second half, which is quite unusual for me.

  "I have worked hard in practice and hope to feel a little better on Friday.

  "Right now I am not back at 100 percent, but I am confident I will be soon."(文/蒋黎黎) 



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