美国人钓上一只近400磅重的大柠檬鲨(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/16 19:40 国际在线 |
A doctor with a slew of world fishing records added another one to his collection when he caught a 385-pound lemon shark on fly tackle, the International Game Fish Association said Tuesday. Dr. Martin Arostegui caught the heaviest fish ever documented on fly tackle, beating out a nearly 40-year-old record, IGFA world records coordinator Rebecca Reynolds said. "We brought it in alive and we released it alive," Arostegui told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "That to me is what made the catch very special." Arostegui caught the lemon shark in flats near the Marquesas Keys west of Key West in early March. He and Capt. Ralph Delph of Key West used a filleted barracuda tied to the boat to create a scent line that attracted the hungry shark, Arostegui said. As he watched the shark approach, he switched to a fly rod with 12-pound tippet and a bright orange, 7-inch feathered fly streamer. Arostegui said he quickly moved it one time and hooked the fish. He fought the fish for one hour, and at one point the shark opened its jaws and attacked Delph's 29-foot boat. "He could have eaten half of me or even all of me in one bite," said Arostegui, who stands at 5 feet tall. The next step was restraining and hauling aboard the dangerous shark. Delph gaffed it in the soft, fleshy part of its tail as Arostegui tied the fish in front of the tail with a cleated rope. But the fish proved too heavy to bring aboard, so they enlisted the help of another fisherman and guide who were nearby. The four men wrestled the shark into a 10-foot long live well designed by Delph. The 7 1/2-foot long fish was brought into Key West and weighed. After a 60-day waiting period, the fishing association confirmed the record catch, but placed it in the 16-pound tippet line class because Arostegui's weighed in at 13 pounds. A tippet is the part of a leader that a fly is attached to. The previous record for heaviest fish on fly tackle was a 356-pound goliath grouper, also known as jewfish, caught by Bart Froth in Islamorada on 12-pound tippet. That record had been on the books since March 15, 1967. |
美国人钓上一只近400磅重的大柠檬鲨(图) |
国际钓鱼协会5月16日表示,世界多项钓鱼纪录的保持者、美国人马丁·阿罗斯特吉不久前又有了最新收获,他钓上了一只385磅重的大柠檬鲨。 据美联社5月16日报道,国际钓鱼协会世界纪录协调人丽贝卡·雷诺滋表示,这只柠檬鲨是迄今为止用飞蝇钓法钓上来的最重的一条鱼,这打破了近40年来的历史纪录。阿罗斯特吉在接受美联社记者电话采访时说:“我们钓上它来时,它还活蹦乱跳的,后来我们把它放生了。” 阿罗斯特吉是在今年3月初在美国基韦斯特西部的马克萨斯群岛附近的浅沼中钓到这条柠檬鲨的。阿罗斯特吉说,当时,他和同伴把一条切成片的梭鱼栓在船上,这样鱼肉散发出来的味道就能吸引附近饥肠辘辘的鲨鱼。当他看到鲨鱼接近时,就迅速挥出飞蝇竿。竿上有12磅重的饵线,还有一个装饰有羽毛的毛钩。 阿罗斯特吉和同伴与这只鲨鱼搏斗了1个小时,当时鲨鱼还曾张开大嘴对他们的船发起攻击。最后,他们终于捕获了这只长7.5英尺的鲨鱼,并将其带往基韦斯特,并在那里给它称了体重。在经过了60天的等待后,国际钓鱼协会证实并承认了这次创纪录的捕获。 报道说,此前用飞蝇钓法钓到的最大的一条鱼是356磅重的巨石斑鱼。(文/王高山) |
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