新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 国际在线 > 0.000751%的几率 美国一家三口同月同日生

几率0.000751% 美国一家三口同月同日生
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/14 20:16  国际在线

  A husband, wife and their first child beat enormous odds and share the same birthday.

  Evelin Alballat was introduced to Tony Osman several years ago by one of her relatives who learned they were both born on May 21. The couple married two years ago.

  Their baby's due date was May 20 and Alballat started having contractions around 10 p.m. that night. She was then admitted to Marian Medical Center.

  "I kept staring at the clock and wanted it to turn past midnight before I delivered my baby," she said.

  Danny Osman entered the world about 12 hours later.

  "We didn't plan for it; it just happened," Alballat said.

  "We were just dumbfounded," Osman added.

  The chances of three family members sharing a birthday are .000751 percent, according to Paul Murphy, a mathematician and dean of academic affairs at Allan Hancock College.

  Future birthdays will be a family celebration with one big cake and a vacation, Osman said. While the couple intends to have more children, they said they won't aim for a fourth May 21 birth.

  "We want to have one more, but we'll just see what happens," Osman said.

0.000751%的几率 美国一家三口同月同日生









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