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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/27 21:52  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Sechuan food is really spicy.


  A This is lovely. I think it’s one of my favourite restaurants in Beijing.

  A 这里很可爱。我想这是我最喜欢的北京餐馆之一。

  B Yes, it’s good. Sichuan cuisine is really nice.

  B 是的,是不错。川菜非常辣。

  A It’s so different from Beijing cuisine and Cantonese cuisine.

  A 川菜跟北京菜和广东菜非常不同。

  B Yes. Sichuan food is really spicy. It’s hotter than other food.

  B 是的。川菜非常辣。比其他菜都辣。

  A I think I prefer it to other cuisines. I love chillies!

  A 我想跟其他菜比起来我更喜欢川菜。我喜欢红辣椒!

  Notes 注释

  1 When you compare things such as different Chinese re.g.ional cuisines, there are various things you can say, e.g.: Sichuan cuisine is different from Beijing cuisine / Sichuan cuisine is different from Beijing cuisine: It’s hotter than other food / It’s hotter than other food.

  当你在比较事物的时候,如中国各地的不同菜系,可以用不同的方法来表达,例如:Sichuan cuisine is different from Beijing cuisine / 川菜跟北京菜不一样: It’s hotter than other food /川菜比其他菜都辣。

  2 Remember how to use prefer / prefer, e.g.: I prefer Sichuan food to other cuisines / I prefer Sichuan food to other cuisines: I prefer Beijing to Shanghai / I prefer Beijing to Shanghai.

  记住怎样用prefer /这个词,例如:I prefer Sichuan food to other cuisines / 跟其他菜比起来我更喜欢川菜: I prefer Beijing to Shanghai/跟上海比起来,我更喜欢北京。

  3 You can describe many things as lovely / lovely, e.g.: This restaurant is lovely / This restaurant is lovely; Behai Park in spring is lovely / Behai Park in spring is lovely.

  你可以用lovely /可爱的来描述很多事物,例如:This restaurant is lovely /这家餐馆真可爱; Behai Park in spring is lovely /春天的北海公园很可爱。

  4 If you really like something, you can use the more emphatic verb love / love: I love chillies / I love chillies: I love the weekend / I love the weekend: I love holidays / I love holidays.

  如果你确实喜欢某物,你可以用更具强调性的动词love /爱来表示:I love chillies / 我喜欢红辣椒: I love the weekend / 我喜欢周末: I love holidays /我喜欢假期。

Key phrases and sentences


This is lovely. 

I think it’s one of my favourite restaurants in Beijing.

Yes, it’s good. 

Sichuan cuisine is really nice.

It’s so different from Beijing cuisine and Cantonese cuisine.

Yes.  Sichuan food is really spicy. 

It’s hotter than other food.

I think I prefer it to other cuisines.

I love chillies!














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