新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我过去住在西雅图

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/11 20:37  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I used to live in Seattle.


  A How about you? Where do you live?

  A 你呢?你住在哪里?

  B Now? Now, I live in Washington. I’ve been there for 5 years.

  B 现在吗?现在,我住在华盛顿。我在那里已经住了5年了。

  A But you’re not from Washington?

  A 但是你不是华盛顿人?

  B No. I used to live in Seattle. I worked there for a few years.

  B 不是。我过去住在西雅图。我在那里工作了几年。

  A And before that?

  A 在那之前呢?

  B Before that, San Francisco. I was born in San Francisco.

  B 在那之前,我在旧金山。我出生在旧金山。

  Notes 注释

  1 When you ask about something that started in the past but continues to the present time, you use the Present Perfect tense, e.g.: I’ve been there for 5 years / I’ve been there for 5 years.

  当你谈论在过去开始但是一直持续到现在的某事时,用现在完成时态,例如:I’ve been there for 5 years/我在那里已经5年了。

  2 If you are talking about something that is completely in the past, you use the Past Tense (sometimes called the Imperfect), e.g.: I used to live in Seattle / I used to live in Seattle; I worked there for a few years / I worked there for as few years; I was born in San Francisco / I was born in San Francisco.

  如果所谈论的事情完全发生在过去,则用过去时态(有时也叫做未完成时态),例如:I used to live in Seattle /我过去住在西雅图。;I worked there for a few years /我在那里工作了几年。; I was born in San Francisco /我出生在旧金山。

Key phrases and sentences


How about you?  Where do you live?

Now?  Now, I live in Washington. 

I’ve been there for 5 years.

But you’re not from Washington?

No.  I used to live in Seattle. 

I worked there for a few years.

And before that?

Before that, San Francisco.  

I was born in San Francisco.















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