新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你昨天看足球比赛了吗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/11 20:45  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Did you watch the football match yesterday?


  A Did you watch the football match last night?

  A 你昨晚看足球比赛了吗?

  B Yes, I watched it on television. It was a really exciting game.

  B 是的,我是在电视上看的。比赛非常激烈。

  A I thought so too. I watched it with my friends and it was so exciting.

  A 我也这样认为。我和几个朋友一起看的,太激烈了。

  B When the score was 2-2, I didn’t know who would win.

  B 当比分以2-2拉平时,我都不知道谁最终会赢。

  A And then they scored to make it 3-2! What a match!

  A 然后比分又变成了3-2!太精彩了!

  B Yes, it was the most exciting game on TV for a long time.

  B 是的,这是很久以来电视上最激烈的一场比赛。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can be.g.in questions about the past by starting with Did . . . ? / Did . . .? e.g.: Did you watch the football last night? / Did you watch the football last night? (Yes, I watched . . . / Yes, I watched . . .); Did you go to work yesterday? / Did you go to work yesterday? (Yes, I went to . . . / Yes, I went to . . .).

  你可以用以Did 开头的问句来询问过去发生的事情,例如:Did you watch the football last night? /你昨晚看足球比赛了吗?(Yes, I watched . . . / 是的,我看了 . . .); Did you go to work yesterday? /你昨天上班了吗?(Yes, I went to . . . /是的,我去了. . .)

  2 If you want to say you agree with someone’s opinion about something in the past, you can say I thought so too / I thought so too.

  如果你想对某人对过去某事的意见表示同意,你可以说I thought so too /我也这样认为。

  3 You talk about programmes on television / on television – or you can also say on TV / on TV.

  你谈论on television /电视上的节目——或者你还可以说on TV /在电视上。

Key phrases and sentences


Did you watch the football match last night?

Yes, I watched it on television. 

It was a really exciting game.

I thought so too. 

I watched it with my friends and it was so exciting.

When the score was 2-2, I didn’t know who would win.

And then they scored to make it 3-2! 

What a match!

Yes, it was the most exciting game on TV for a long time.
















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