新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你周末是怎么过的?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/11 20:42  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  What did you do at the weekend?


  A I had a really good time at the weekend.

  A 我周末过得非常愉快。

  B What did you do?

  B 你怎么过的?

  A I went to a club in Haidian with some friends. It was a good bar with great music.

  A 我和几个朋友去了海淀的一家俱乐部。那是一家很好的酒吧,音乐很棒。

  B There’re lots of good bars and clubs in the Haidian area.

  B 在海淀有很多很好的酒吧和俱乐部。

  A Yes. Maybe I’ll go there again next week. What did you do at the weekend?

  A 是的。我下周可能还去。你周末是怎么过的?

  B Oh, nothing much. I had a quiet weekend.

  B 哦,没有什么特别的。我过了一个安静的周末。

  Notes 注释

  1 There are lots of simple questions you can ask about someone about the past, e.g.: What did you do? / What did you do? (at the weekend); Where did you go? / Where did you go?

  你可以问某人很多关于过去发生的事情的简单的问题,例如:What did you do? /你怎么过的(周末);Where did you go? /你去了哪里?

  2 You can describe your time – at the weekend, or on holiday, or anytime in the past in various ways, e.g.: I had a good time / I had a good time; an exciting time / an exciting time; a boring time / a boring time; a quiet weekend / a quiet weekend.

  你可以用多种方法描述你过得怎样——在周末,在假期,或者过去的任何时间,例如I had a good time /我过得很愉快;an exciting time /很兴奋的;a boring time /很无聊的;a quiet weekend /安静的周末。

Key phrases and sentences


I had a really good time at the weekend.

What did you do?

I went to a club in Haidian with some friends.

It was a good bar with great music.

There’re lots of good bars and clubs in the Haidian area.

Yes.  Maybe I’ll go there again next week. 

What did you do at the weekend?

Oh, nothing much. 

I had a quiet weekend. 

















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