新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你为什么先离开餐馆了

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/11 20:48  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Why did you leave the restaurant early?


  A Hi! Last night was good – great meal, great restaurant.

  A 喂!昨晚过得真愉快——精美的晚餐,精美的餐馆。

  B Yes, we all enjoyed it. It’s a pity I had to leave early.

  B 是的,我们都很开心。 但是遗憾的是我不得不先离开。

  A Yes, why did you leave early?

  A 是的,你为什么要先离开?

  B I left because I had an early start at work this morning.

  B 我离开是因为我今天早晨要早早开始工作。

  A Oh, I forgot. You had a meeting at 8am.

  A 噢,我忘了。你今天上午8点有一个会。

  B Yes, and I had some work to prepare – so I thought an early night was a good idea.

  B 是的,我还有一些准备工作要做——所以我想我昨晚应该早点结束。

  A I’m sure you were right. Anyway it was a great evening!

  A 我肯定你是对的。无论如何,那都是一个心旷神怡的夜晚!

  Notes 注释

  1 You can use the phrase It’s a pity . . . / It’s a pity . . . (or It’s a shame . . . / It’s a shame . . .) in various ways, e.g.: It’s a pity I had to leave early / It’s a pity I had to leave early; It’s a pity it rained / It’s a pity it rained; It’s a pity I missed the party / It’s a pity I missed the party.

  在很多情形下都可以用It’s a pity . . . / 很遗憾 . . .( 或者 It’s a shame . . . /真遗憾. . .)这个短语,例如:It’s a pity I had to leave early /很遗憾我不得不先离开; It’s a pity it rained / 很遗憾,天下雨了; It’s a pity I missed the party /错过了晚会我真感到遗憾。

  2 Remember the verb have to . . . / have to . . . (or must . . . / must . . . ): when using it in the past, you use had to / had to, e.g.: I had to leave early / I had to leave early

  记住动词have to . . . / 不得不 . . . (或者must . . . /必须 . . . ):当用于说过去的事情时用had to /不得不,例如:I had to leave early /我不得不先离开。

  3 Early / early and the opposite, late / late can be used in many ways, e.g.: I had to leave early / I had to leave early; I didn’t want to be late / I didn’t want to be late; an early night / an early night; The traffic made me late / The traffic made me late.

  Early /早和它的反义词late /晚可以用在很多的情形下,例如:I had to leave early / 我不得不先走; I didn’t want to be late / 我不想迟到; an early night /早早结束的夜晚;The traffic made me late /交通阻塞让我迟到了。

Key phrases and sentences


Hi!  Last night was good – great meal, great restaurant.

Yes, we all enjoyed it. 

It’s a pity I had to leave early.

Yes, why did you leave early?

I left because I had an early start at

work this morning.

Oh, I forgot.  You had a meeting at 8am.

Yes, and I had some work to prepare – so I thought an early night was a good idea.

I’m sure you were right. 

Anyway it was a great evening!














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