新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你我是英国人出生在曼彻斯特

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/14 19:22  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I’m British. I was born in Manchester.


  A And how about you, Sue? You’re from England, aren’t you?

  A 苏,你呢?你是英国人,不是吗?

  B Yes, I am. I’m British. I was born in Manchester.

  B 是的,我是。我是英国人。我出生在曼彻斯特。

  A Ah, the home of Manchester United!

  A 啊,曼联队的家乡!

  B Yes, but I don’t live there any more. I left Manchester a long time ago.

  B 是的,但是我已经不住在那里了。我很久以前就离开曼彻斯特了。

  A And where do you live now?

  A 那你现在住在哪里?

  B In Cambridge. I work in a hospital in Cambridge.

  B 住在剑桥。我在剑桥的一家医院工作。

  A Ah, I’ve heard of Cambridge too – a very famous city.

  A 啊,我也听说过剑桥——非常有名的城市。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can talk about the place you were born and the place you live now (if they are different) in various ways, e.g.: I was born in Shanghai but I now live in Beijing / I was born in Shanghai but I now live in Beijing; I left Manchester a long time ago. Now I live in Cambridge. / I left Manchester a long time ago. Now I live in Cambridge.

  你可以用不同的方法谈论你的出生地和你现在住在哪里(如果你的出生地和你现在所住的地方不一样的话),例如:I was born in Shanghai but I now live in Beijing /我出生在上海,但是我现在住在北京;I left Manchester a long time ago. Now I live in Cambridge. /我很久以前就离开曼彻斯特了。我现在住在剑桥。

  2 When you are talking about the place you come from or were born in, you can also use phrases to refer to the time, e.g. any more / any more: a long time ago / a long time ago; five years ago / five years ago, e.g.: I don’t live in Manchester any more / I don’t live in Manchester any more; I left Nanjing 5 years ago / I left Nanjing 5 years ago.

  当你在谈论你是哪里人或者你的出生地时,你也可以用短语来指代时间,例如any more /再也;a long time ago 很久以前;/ five years ago /五年以前,例如:I don’t live in Manchester any more / 我已经不住在曼彻斯特了; I left Nanjing 5 years ago /我5年前离开了南京。

Key phrases and sentences


And how about you, Sue? 

You’re from England, aren’t you?

Yes, I am.  I’m British. 

I was born in Manchester. 

Ah, the home of Manchester United!

Yes, but I don’t live there any more. 

I left Manchester a long time ago.

And where do you live now?

In Cambridge.  I work in a hospital in Cambridge.

Ah, I’ve heard of Cambridge too – a very famous city.


















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