吃一片阿司匹林。 | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/26 19:12 北京市民讲外语活动组委会 | ||
Take an aspirin. That should help. 吃一片阿司匹林。会管用的。 A OK, I’m going home to rest. I need an early night. A 好的,我要回家休息了。我得早点睡。 B Good idea. Take it easy. You’ll feel better in the morning. B 好主意。别担心。明天早晨你就会感觉好一些的。 A I hope so! I don’t like having headaches. A 希望如此!头疼让我很难受。 B Well, if it doesn’t go away, take an aspirin. That should help. B 哦,如果头疼不好的话,就吃一片阿司匹林。会管用的。 A Thanks for the advice. I’m sure my headache will clear with a good sleep. A 谢谢你的建议。我想好好睡一觉之后头疼一定会好的。 B Yes, I think so too. Go home – get a good rest. B 是的,我也这样想。回家吧——好好休息一下。 Notes 注释 1 You can use sentences beginning with If . . . / If . . . to give advice also, eg: If the headache doesn’t go away, take an aspirin / If the headache doesn’t go away, take an aspirin: If you are late, catch a taxi / If you are late, catch a taxi. 你也可以用以If . . . / 如果 . . .开头的句子来提出建议,例如:If the headache doesn’t go away, take an aspirin /:如果头疼不好的话,就吃一片阿司匹林。 If you are late, catch a taxi / 如果你晚了的话,就打辆出租车。 2 You can use the direct imperative form of verbs to give advice also, eg: Go home / Go home: Get a rest / Get a rest: Take an aspirin / Take an aspirin: Have a good sleep / Have a good sleep. 你还可以用动词的祈使形式提出建议,例如:Go home /回家吧: Get a rest /休息一下: Take an aspirin /吃一片阿司匹林: Have a good sleep /好好睡一觉。
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