新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 练习说很有用

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/22 21:31  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  It’s good to practice speaking.


  A It’s good to practise as much listening and reading as you can in your spare time.

  A 在你的业余时间尽可能地多听多读有好处。

  B Yes, it is. But I think it’s more important to practise speaking.

  B 是的,是这样。但是我想练习说更重要。

  A Yes, it’s good to practise speaking. Luckily, there are so many English-speaking people in Beijing now.

  A 是的,练习说很有用。幸运的是,现在北京有这么多讲英语的人。

  B Yes, there’re lots of opportunities. You can have conversations at work and lots of other places.

  B 是的,有很多的机会。你可以在工作中和其他场合用英语会话。

  A It all helps. There’s nothing as good as really using the language with native-speakers.

  A 这些都很有帮助。再没有什么比跟母语是英语的人交流更好的。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can use the phrase . . . as much as / . . . as much as in various ways, e.g.: It’s good to practise as much as you can / It’s good to practice as much as you can; as much as possible / as much as possible.

  你可以在很多情形下用短语. . . as much as / . . .尽可能地。例如:It’s good to practise as much as you can /尽可能地练习是好的; as much as possible /尽可能多地。

  2 Remember the key ways to learn a language: listening / listening; reading / reading; speaking / speaking; writing / writing.

  记住学习语言的重要方法:listening / 听; reading / 读 ; speaking / 说;writing /写。

Key phrases and sentences


It ’s good to practise as much listening and reading as you can in your spare time.

Yes, it is.  But I think it’s more important to practise speaking.

Yes, it’s good to practise speaking. 

Luckily, there are so many English-

speaking people in Beijing now.

Yes, there’re lots of opportunities. 

You can have conversations at work and lots of other places.

It all helps. 

There’s nothing as good as really using the language with native-speakers.



















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