新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 这位是大卫

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/17 19:38  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  And this is David. He’s from Toronto.


  A I’ve got another friend coming in about 20 minutes. He might be running a bit late, but he’ll be here soon.

  A 我还有一位朋友大约20分钟后到。他可能会晚到一会,但是他很快会到的。

  B Who is he? Have we met him before?

  B 他是谁?我们以前见过他吗?

  A No, I don’t think so. He’s another guy who works with me. A Canadian.

  A 不,我想没有。他是另一个和我一起工作的小伙子。一个加拿大人。

  B I look forward to seeing him.

  B 我期待着见到他。

  A Here he is – he’s early. Let me introduce him. This is David. He’s from Toronto.

  A 他来了——他提前到了。让我来介绍他。这位是大卫。他从多伦多来。

  B Hi David. Glad you could come.

  B 嗨,大卫。很高兴你能来。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember the colloquial phrase to describe being a little bit late, especially if someone is busy, or something is delaying them, such as traffic, e.g.: He’s running a bit late / He’s running a bit late; The traffic is heavy so I’m running late / The traffic is heavy so I’m running late.

  记住描述某人有点迟到时用的口语化短语,尤其是当某人很忙或者他被某事(例如交通阻塞)所耽搁的时候。例如:He’s running a bit late /他可能会晚到一会;The traffic is heavy so I’m running late /交通太拥挤了,所以我要迟到一会了。

  2 If you are not sure and want to check if you’ve already done something, or met someone, or been somewhere, you can say: Have we met him before? / Have we met him before? ;Have we been to that restaurant before? / Have we been to that restaurant before?

  如果你不肯定你是否已经做了某事或者见了某人,或者去过某个地方,而你想验证一下,你可以说:Have we met him before? / 我们以前见过他吗?; Have we been to that restaurant before? /我们以前去过那家餐馆吗?

Key phrases and sentences


I’ve got another friend coming in about 20 minutes. 

He might be running a bit late, but he’ll be here soon.

Who is he?  Have we met him before?

No, I don’t think so. 

He’s another guy who works with me. 

A Canadian.

I look forward to seeing him.

Here he is – he’s early. 

Let me introduce him. 

This is David.  He’s from Toronto.

Hi David.  Glad you could come.


















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