新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我每周都去上汉语课

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/23 20:20  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I go to Chinese lessons every week.


  A And how about you? I heard you’re learning Chinese.

  A 你怎么样?我听说你在学习汉语。

  B Yes, I am. It’s difficult too, but I’m studying as much as I can.

  B 是的,我是。汉语也很难,但是我尽可能多地学习。

  A Yes, it can be hard. How do you study?

  A 是的,学汉语会很难。你怎么学习?

  B I go to Chinese lessons every week. It’s a small class and we meet every Tuesday evening.

  B 我每周去上汉语课。这是一个小班级,我们每周二见面。

  A Well, we should start having conversations in Chinese too – that will help you!

  A 哦,我们应该也用汉语对话——那对你有帮助!

  B It certainly will. I’m not sure if I’m ready yet but I’ll try.

  B 当然会的。我不太肯定我是否准备好了,但是我会努力。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can describe language- learning in different ways: It’s difficult / It’s difficult; It’s easy / It’s easy; It’s hard / It’s hard.

  你可以从不同的方面描述语言学习:It’s difficult / 很难; It’s easy / 很容易; It’s hard /很难。

  2 Remember the simple use of the present tense to indicate a regular or frequent activity, e.g.: I go to Chinese lessons every week / I go to Chinese lessons every week; I study everyday / I study everyday.

  记住一般现在时的简单用法时表示定期的或者频繁的活动。例如:I go to Chinese lessons every week / 我每周去上汉语课; I study everyday /我每天学习。

  3 You can use sentences beginning If . . . / If . . . , with both the present and the future tenses to indicate what you will do in the future . . . if something happens now, e.g.: If I am ready, I will try to speak Chinese / If I am ready, I will try to speak Chinese; If it rains, I will stay at home / If it rains, I will stay at home.

  你可以用以If . . . / 如果. . .开头的句子的一般现在时和一般将来时来表示如果现在发生了某事,你将来要做什么。例如:If I am ready, I will try to speak Chinese /如果我准备好了,我就会尝试说汉语; If it rains, I will stay at home /如果天下雨,我就待在家里。

Key phrases and sentences


And how about you? 

I heard you’re learning Chinese.

Yes, I am.  It’s difficult too, but I’m

studying as much as I can.

Yes, it can be hard.  How do you study?

I go to Chinese lessons every week. 

It’s a small class and we meet every Tuesday evening.

Well, we should start having

conversations in Chinese too – that will help you!

It certainly will. 

I’m not sure if I’m ready yet but I’ll try.

















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