新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我每天都设法读报纸

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/25 18:45  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I try to read the newspaper everyday.


  A You should read a newspaper or a magazine as often as you can.

  A 你应该尽可能地经常读报纸或者杂志。

  B I do. I try to read the newspaper everyday. And I buy English magazines.

  B 我读。我每天都设法读报纸。我还买英语杂志。

  A It’s a great way to increase your vocabulary and find new expressions.

  A 这是扩大你的词汇量和发现新的表达法的最佳方法。

  B I know. If I find new words or anything I don’t know, I check the dictionary.

  B 我知道。如果我发现了新单词或者其他我不懂的东西,我就查字典。

  A Yes. It’s just a good habit – and it helps your English all the time.

  A 好的。这是一个好习惯——它对你的英语学习总是有帮助。

  B I know, and it feels good – as if I learn a little extra everyday.

  B 我知道,而且感觉不错——好象我每天都能额外学到一点东西。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember the phrase as much as / as much as? There are many phrases in English using adjectives and the same structure, e.g. as often as / as often as; as fast as / as fast as; as soon as / as soon as, e.g.: You should read the newspaper as often as you can / You should read the newspaper as often as you can; I walked as fast as I could / I walked as fast as I could; I came as soon as possible / I came as soon as possible.

  记住短语as much as /尽可能多。在英语中有很多像这样的短语,短语由不同的形容词和相同的结构组成。例如:as often as / 尽可能经常; as fast as / 尽快; as soon as / 尽早, 例如:: You should read the newspaper as often as you can /你应该尽可能地经常读报纸;I walked as fast as I could / 我尽可能快走; I came as soon as possible / 我尽早来。

  2 Remember other phrases you can use when talking about learning a language, e.g.: . . . increase your vocabulary / increase your vocabulary; find new expressions / find new expressions; check the dictionary / check the dictionary.

  记住你在谈论学习语言时可以使用的其他短语。例如:. . . increase your vocabulary / 扩大你的词汇量; find new expressions / 发现新的表达法; check the dictionary /查字典。

Key phrases and sentences


You should read a newspaper or a

magazine as often as you can.

I do. 

I try to read the newspaper everyday. 

And I buy English magazines.

It’s a great way to increase your

vocabulary and find new expressions.

I know.  If I find new words or anything I don’t know, I check the dictionary.

Yes.  It’s just a good habit – and it helps your English all the time.

I know, and it feels good – as if I learn a little extra everyday. 


















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