新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 北京本身将有非常多的变化

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/15 18:41  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  There will be so many changes in Beijing.


  A It’s not only the Olympics. There will be so many changes in Beijing.

  A 不仅是奥运会。北京本身也将发生很多变化。

  B I know. They are planting millions of trees.

  B 我知道。北京正在大量地植树。

  A Yes, Beijing will be the first ‘green’ Olympics. It should really help cut pollution.

  A 是的,北京将是第一个举办“绿色”奥运的城市。这对减少污染将有很大的促进作用。

  B And make Beijing more beautiful!

  B 还会使北京更加美丽!

  A And there will be new metro and transport systems.

  A 还将有新的地铁和交通系统。

  B Beijing will almost be a different city by 2008.

  B 到2008年的时候北京将面貌一新。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember the various ways you can use the verb help / help, e.g.: It should help cut pollution / It should help cut pollution; The new metro should help reduce traffic / The new metro should help reduce traffic; An aspirin will help your headache / An aspirin will help your headache.

  记住动词help /帮助的多种使用方法。例如:It should help cut pollution / 它会有助于减少污染;The new metro should help reduce traffic / 新的地铁应该能缓解交通拥挤的状况;An aspirin will help your headache /阿司匹林将减轻你的头痛。

  2 When you talk about the Olympics in the future, in 2008, you use will / will, e.g.: There will be many changes in Beijing / There will be many changes in Beijing; Beijing will be a different city / Beijing will be a different city.

  当你谈论2008年将召开的奥运会时用will /将要。例如:There will be many changes in Beijing / 北京将发生很大的变化; Beijing will be a different city /北京将面貌一新。

  3 We use the description green / green, when we describe something that is good for the environment, e.g. Beijing will be a green Olympics / Beijing will be a green Olympics.

  当我们描述对环境有利的某件事情时我们用修饰语green /绿色的。例如:Beijing will be a green Olympics /北京将举行绿色的奥运。

Key phrases and sentences


It’s not only the Olympics. 

There will be so many changes in


I know.  They are planting millions of trees.

Yes,  Beijing will be the first ‘green’ Olympics. 

It should really help cut pollution.

And make Beijing more beautiful!

And there will be new metro and

transport systems.

Beijing will almost be a different city by 2008.














  I wonder how many gold medals China will win.


  A I hope China does really well in the Olympics.

  A 我希望中国在奥运会上取得好成绩。

  B I’m sure it will. The host nation always performs well. And there are so many good athletes in China.

  B 我想一定能。东道主总是表现良好。再说中国有那么多优秀的运动员。

  A I wonder how many gold medals China will win.

  A 我想知道中国能夺得多少块金牌。

  B Remember, silver and bronze medals are important too!

  B 记住,银牌和铜牌也很重要!

  A You’re right. Anyway, the most important thing is to compete well.

  A 你说得对。无论如何,最重要的是好好比赛。

  B I’m sure everyone will do their best.

  B 我肯定每个人都将竭尽全力。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember how to use I wonder . . . / I wonder . . . when you think or speculate about something, e.g. I wonder how many gold medals China will win / I wonder how many gold medals China will win; I wonder if it will rain tomorrow / I wonder if it will rain tomorrow.

  记住当你思考某事时用I wonder . . . / 我想知道 . . .。例如I wonder how many gold medals China will win /我想知道中国将夺得多少块金牌; I wonder if it will rain tomorrow/ 我想知道明天是否会下雨。

  2 In international competitions, you talk about the host nation / host nation and the host city / host city, e.g. In 2008, China is the host nation of the Olympics / In 2008, China is the host nation of the Olympics; London will be the host city in 2012 / London will be the host city in 2012.

  关于国际比赛,你可以谈论host nation /东道主和host city /主办城市。例如In 2008, China is the host nation of the Olympics/在2008年中国将主办奥运会; London will be the host city in 2012 /伦敦将是2012年奥运会的主办城市。



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