新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我想试试买游泳比赛的票

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/17 10:45  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I want to try and get tickets for the swimming events.


  A I’d really like to go and see the swimming at the Olympics.

  A 我非常想去看奥运会的游泳比赛。

  B Yes, me too. I like the swimming, especially the . . . what’s it called? You know when there are two swimmers together?

  B 是的,我也是。我喜欢游泳,尤其是. . .那叫什么来着?你知道有两个游泳运动员在一起的项目?

  A Synchronized swimming. I like that too.

  A 双人花样游泳。我也喜欢。

  B I like it all – the races, the diving, and everything.

  B 我都喜欢——速度游泳、跳水,所有的一切。

  A I want to try and get tickets for the swimming events.

  A 我想试试买游泳比赛的票。

  B Good idea. It would be great to see it live. The atmosphere will be fantastic.

  B 好主意。能够看到现场比赛的话太好了。气氛将非常热烈。


  1、If you can’t remember the name of something, you can ask What’s it called? / What’s it called?

  如果你忘记了某事物的名称,你可以问What’s it called? /那叫什么?

  2、You can describe the atmosphere / atmosphere at any event, or in any situation, e.g.: The atmosphere will be fantastic / The atmosphere will be fantastic; It was an exciting atmosphere at the football match / It was an exciting atmosphere at the football match.

  你可以描述某事件或者某情境的atmosphere /气氛。例如:The atmosphere will be fantastic / 气氛将非常热烈; It was an exciting atmosphere at the football match /足球比赛的气氛非常热烈。

Key phrases and sentences


I’d really like to go and see the

swimming at the Olympics.

Yes, me too. 

I like the swimming, especially the .

what’s it called? 

You know when there are two

swimmers together?

Synchronized swimming.  I like that too.

I like it all – the races, the diving, and everything.

I want to try and get tickets for the

swimming events.

Good idea. 

It would be great to see it live. 

The atmosphere will be fantastic.





我喜欢游泳,尤其是. . .那叫什么来着?你知道有两个游泳运动员在一起的项目?









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