我有很多爱好 | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/20 18:32 北京市民讲外语活动组委会 | ||
I’ve got lots of interests. 我有很多爱好。 A What about you? What do you do in your free time? Any hobbies? A 你呢? 你在业余时间做什么?有什么爱好吗? B Yes, I’ve got lots of interests. B 是的, 我有很多爱好。 A Like what? A 比如说? B Well, football, reading . . . but my biggest interest is photography. I really love photography. B 哦,足球、阅读. . .但是我最大的爱好是摄影。我非常喜欢摄影。 A What kind of photographs do you take? A 你喜欢拍什么样的照片? B Just now, I take lots of photos of people and places in Beijing. You know, things like life in the Hutongs. Everything is changing so fast in Beijing. I feel like I’m recording all the changes. B 目前,我在北京拍很多人物和地方的照片。你知道,像胡同生活之类的内容。北京的一切都在发生着迅速的变化。我喜欢把这些变化都记录下来。 Notes 注释 1 Remember some of the phrases you can use when you talk about your hobbies / hobbies or interests / interests : the things you do in your free time / free time or spare time / spare time, e.g. What interests do you have in your spare time? / What interests do you have in your spare time? 记住在你谈论hobbies /爱好或者 interests /兴趣,即你在free time /业余时间做的事情时能够用到的一些短语。例如What interests do you have in your spare time? /你在业余时间有什么兴趣爱好? 2 Remember the different words : photography / photography; photographs / photographs and the shorter version photos / photos. 记住下面一些词语:photography /摄影;photographs /照片和它的简写形式photos /照片。 3 You can talk about things in a general way, e.g. Life in the Hutongs / Life in the Hutongs. 你可以泛泛地谈论某事,例如:Life in the Hutongs /胡同生活。
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