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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/08 18:01  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  It’s a part-time job, but it pays well.


  A Extra money is always helpful.

  A 额外挣的钱总是很有帮助。

  B I know. That’s why I do evening job in the hotel restaurant.

  B 我知道。这就是我为什么晚上在旅馆的餐馆打工的原因。

  A If you are studying, it’s good to earn some extra income.

  A 如果你在读书,额外有些收入很好。

  B I agree. It’s only a part-time job at the hotel but it pays well.

  B 我同意。虽然只是在旅馆里兼职,但是报酬很高。

  A Well, life is expensive! We all need money.

  A 哦,生活消费很高!我们都需要钱。

  B You can say that again! The money helps me with my studying so it’s important for me to earn as much as I can.

  B 太同意你的看法了!钱对我的学习有帮助,所以尽可能多地挣些钱对我很重要。

  Notes 注释

  1 Extra / extra is a useful adjective, e.g.: Extra money is always helpful / Extra money is always helpful; I earn some extra income / I earn some extra income;They played extra time in the football match / They played extra time in the football match.

  Extra /额外的是一个有用的形容词。例如:Extra money is always helpful /额外挣些钱总是很有用; I earn some extra income / 我额外有些收入;They played extra time in the football match /他们把额外的时间花在足球比赛上。

  2 Remember some of the phrases you can use about jobs and work, e.g.: It’s a part-time job / It’s a part-time job; It pays well / It pays well; It’s an evening job / It’s an evening job.

  记住你可以用来描述工作的一些短语。例如:It’s a part-time job / 这是一份兼职工作; It pays well / 报酬很高; It’s an evening job/这是一份夜班工作。

  3 You can say that again! / You can say that again! Is an emphatic way of agreeing with something someone has just said.

  You can say that again! /太同意你的看法了!是强烈地表示同意某人刚刚说过的话的方法。

Key phrases and sentences


Extra money is always helpful.

I know.  That’s why I do evening job in the hotel restaurant.

If you are studying, it’s good to earn some extra income.

I agree.  It’s only a part-time job at the hotel but it pays well.

Well, life is expensive! 

We all need money.

You can say that again! 

The money helps me with my studying so it’s important for me to earn as much as I can.













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