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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/09 18:52  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I’d like to start my own business.


  A What about you? What are your career plans?

  A 你呢?你的事业计划是什么?

  B I’ve got lots of thoughts and ideas. Most of all, I’d like to start my own business.

  B 我有很多的想法。大多数的想法是,我想开创自己的生意。

  A Doing what? What kind of business?

  A 做什么?做哪一行?

  B I’m doing a lot of fashion design at the moment. Designing new clothes and so on. I’d like to sell my designs and the clothes I make.

  B 我目前在做服装设计。设计新衣服等等。我想卖自己设计和制作的服装。

  A That sounds great. I think you should really try and make a business out of that.

  A 听起来好极了。 我想你确实应该尝试开创这样的事业。

  B I think it would be so good to be independent and have your own business.

  B 我想独立自主,有自己的生意是非常好的。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can ask someone about their thoughts for their future working life by saying What are your career plans? / What are your career plans?

  你可以这样询问某人对将来工作的想法:What are your career plans? /你的事业计划是什么?

  2 Remember should / when you suggest something or recommend something, e.g.: I think you should try and start your own business / I think you should try and start your own business.

  记住当你建议或者推荐某事时用should /应该。例如:I think you should try and start your own business /我想你应该尝试开创自己的生意。

  3 Remember also I would like . . . / I would like . . . (or the shorter form I’d like . . . / I’d like . . .) when you want to express a wish or a desire, e.g. I’d like to be independent / I’d like to be independent; I’d like to sell my clothes and fashion designs / I’d like to sell me clothes and fashion designs.

  也请记住当你想表达愿望或者渴望时用I would like . . . / 我想 . . . (或者其简写形式 I’d like . . . / 我想 . . .)。例如:I’d like to be independent /我想独立; I’d like to sell my clothes and fashion designs /我想卖自己的服装和设计。

Key phrases and sentences


What about you?  What are your career plans?

I’ve got lots of thoughts and ideas. 

Most of all, I’d like to start my own business.

Doing what?  What kind of business?

I’m doing a lot of fashion design at the moment. 

Designing new clothes and so on. 

I’d like to sell my designs and the

clothes I make.

That sounds great. 

I think you should really try and make a business out of that.

I think it would be so good to be

independent and have your own

























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