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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/09 18:54  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Maybe I’ll open a shop.


  A You should try and find somewhere to sell your clothes and fashion designs.

  A 你应该尝试找个地方卖你的服装和设计。

  B I’ve sold them at markets before but it’s hard work and you don’t make enough money.

  B 我以前在市场上卖过,但是这是一项艰苦的工作,而且你卖不了多少钱。

  A Have you thought about renting a shop?

  A 你想过租一家店吗?

  B Yes, maybe I’ll open a shop. That would be best, but it’s expensive.

  B 是的,也许我会开家商店。那样最好,不过需要很多钱。

  A Well, maybe it’s a good target to aim for. You would probably get more business if you had a shop.

  A 哦,也许这是一个努力的好目标。如果你有自己的商店的话,你很可能有很多生意。

  B You’re right. But it’s only a dream just now. I have to earn more first!

  B 你说得对。但是目前还只是一个梦。我得先挣更多的钱!

  Notes 注释

  1 There are various verbs and phrases related to work and money, e.g. earn money / earn money and make money / make money; I work hard but I don’t make enough money / I work hard but I don’t make enough money; I want to earn more money / I want to earn more money.

  有很多与工作和钱有关的动词和短语。例如earn money / 挣更多的钱和make money /挣钱; I work hard but I don’t make enough money / 我努力工作但是挣的钱还是不够; I want to earn more money /我想挣更多的钱。

  2 You can talk about a target / a target or a goal / a goal in life, e.g. Your own business is a good target to aim for / Your own business is a good target to aim for; You should make a new job your goal / You should make a new job your goal.

  你可以谈论生活的a target / 目标或者 a goal /目标。例如:Your own business is a good target to aim for /有自己的生意是你努力的好目标; You should make a new job your goal /你应该确立一个新的工作目标。

Key phrases and sentences


You should try and find somewhere to sell your clothes and fashion designs.

I’ve sold them at markets before but it’s hard work and you don’t make enough money.

Have you thought about renting a


Yes, maybe I’ll open a shop. 

That would be best, but it’s expensive.

Well, maybe it’s a good target to aim for. 

You would probably get more business if you had a shop.

You’re right. 

But it’s only a dream just now. 

I have to earn more first!























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