新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 在那边大约500米处

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/19 21:00  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  It’s about 500 metres that way, just behind the shopping centre.


  A I think I’ll go back to my hotel.

  A 我想我要回旅馆了。

  B Where is your hotel? Is it far?

  B 你的旅馆在哪里?远吗?

  A No, it’s not far. It’s about 500 metres that way, just behind the shopping centre.

  A 不,不远。在那边大约500米处,就在购物中心的后面。

  B Along there, on the right? Do you want to take a taxi?

  B 沿着那,在右侧?你想打辆出租车吗?

  A No, I can walk. It’s only a short distance – and it’s a nice day anyway.

  A 不,我可以走着。只是很短的距离——而且今天天气又这么好。

  B OK. I guess it is a nice day for walking. See you later.

  B 好的。我想这种好天气走走路不错。再见。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember the phrases you can use when talking about distance, e.g. Is it far? / Is it far?; Is it near? / Is it near?; It’s only a short distance / It’s only a short distance.

  记住当你谈论距离时可以用下面的短语。例如Is it far? / 远吗?; Is it near? / 近吗?; It’s only a short distance /只是很短的距离。

  2 Also remember the phrases used to describe location, e.g.: Just behind the shopping centre / Just behind the shopping centre; It’s about 500 metres that way / It’s about 500 metres that way; It’s on the right / It’s on the right.

  也请记住用来描述位置的短语。例如:Just behind the shopping centre / 就在购物中心的后面; It’s about 500 metres that way / 就在那边大约500米处; It’s on the right /在右边。

Key phrases and sentences


I think I’ll go back to my hotel.

Where is your hotel?  Is it far?

No, it’s not far. 

It’s about 500 metres that way, just

behind the shopping centre.

Along there, on the right?

Do you want to take a taxi?

No, I can walk. 

It’s only a short distance – and it’s a nice day anyway.

OK.  I guess it is a nice day for walking. 

See you later.















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