新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我在曼彻斯特有一个表弟

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/14 15:14  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I’ve got a cousin in Manchester.


  A I’ve also got a cousin in Manchester, England.

  A 我在英国的曼彻斯特还有一个表弟。

  B Ah, Manchester – home of Manchester United! What does he do?

  B 啊,曼彻斯特-曼联队的故乡!他是做什么的?

  A He’s studying at the university there. He really likes there.

  A 他在那里上大学。他非常喜欢那里。

  B I’ve heard that Manchester has a really good Chinatown, like the one in San Francisco.

  B 我听说曼彻斯特有一条非常好的唐人街,就像旧金山的那样。

  A I think you can find Chinese people all over the world.

  A 我想你在世界各地都能看到中国人。

  B Well, you should visit your relatives in Canada and England,.

  B 哦,你应该去看望加拿大和英国的亲戚。


  1If you know something, or someone has told you something before, you can say: I’ve heard that . . / I’ve heard that . . . e.g. I’ve heard Manchester has a really good Chinatown / I’ve heard that Manchester has a really good Chinatown; I’ve heard that Vancouver is a pretty city / I’ve heard that Vancouver is a pretty city.

  如果你知道某事,或者某人以前告诉过你某事,你可以说I’ve heard that . . / I’ve我听说 . . .例如I’ve heard Manchester has a really good Chinatown / 我听说曼彻斯特有一条非常好的华人街; I’ve heard that Vancouver is a pretty city /我听说温哥华是一个非常漂亮的城市。

  2If you want to describe something which is very general everywhere, you can use the phrase all over . . / all over . . e.g.: You can find Chinese people all over the world / You can find Chinese people all over the world; There was bad weather all over the Beijing region / There was bad weather all over the Beijing region; People eat rice all over India / People eat rice all over India.

  如果你想描述某事到处都很普遍,你可以用短语all over . . /到处 . .例如You can find Chinese people all over the world /你在世界各地都可以看到华人; There was bad weather all over the Beijingregion / 北京地区的天气都不好; People eat rice all over India /印度各地的人都吃大米。

Key phrases and sentences

I’ve also got a cousin in Manchester,


Ah, Manchester – home of Manchester


What does he do?

He’s studying at the university there.

He really likes there.

I’ve heard that Manchester has a really

good Chinatown, like the one in San Francisco.

I think you can find Chinese people all

over the world.

Well, you should visit your relatives in Canada and England.












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