新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 到日坛公园怎么走

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/20 17:56  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  How do I get to Ritan Park?


  A I think I’d like to see Ritan Park. I’ve never been before.

  A 我想我要到日坛公园看看。我以前从来没有去过那里。

  B Oh, you should go. It’s really nice. It’s so central and so peaceful.

  B 哦,你应该去。日坛公园非常漂亮。这个公园在市中心地带,而且非常宁静。

  A Where is it exactly? How do I get there

  A 它的确切位置在哪里?到那怎么走?

  B It’s easy from here. See the Friendship Store along there on the left?

  B 从这里去很容易。看到前面左侧的友谊商店了吗?

  A Yes, I can see that. Where do I go from there?

  A 是的,我看到了。从那里我往哪里走?

  B Easy. Just turn left at the Friendship Store and Ritan Park is straight ahead. You can’t miss it.

  B 容易。就在友谊商店向左拐,日坛公园就在前面。你一定能找得到。

  Notes 注释

  1 Notice the use of never / never, e.g.: I’ve never been to Ritan Park before / I’ve never been to Ritan Park before; I’ve never eaten crab / I’ve never eaten crab; I’ve never been to Japan / I’ve never been to Japan.

  注意never /从未、从不的用法,例如:I’ve never been to Ritan Park before / 我以前从未去过日坛公园; I’ve never eaten crab / 我从未吃过螃蟹; I’ve never been to Japan /我从未去过日本。

  2 Remember the use of See . . . / See . . . when giving directions, e.g.: See the Friendship Store along there on the left / See the Friendship Store along there on the left.

  记住指路时用的See . . . / 看到 . . .的用法。例如:See the Friendship Store along there on the left /看到前面左侧的友谊商店。

  3 Remember also the use of so / so to give emphasis to an adjective, e.g.: The park is so central and so peaceful / The park is so central and so peaceful.

  也请记住so /如此、那么的用法,它用来强调形容词。例如:The park is so central and so peaceful /这个公园在市中心地带,而且非常宁静。

Key phrases and sentences


I think I’d like to see Ritan Park.

I’ve never been before.

Oh, you should go.  It’s really nice. 

It’s so central and so peaceful.

Where is it exactly? 

How do I get to there?

It’s easy from here. 

See the Friendship Store along there on the left?

Yes, I can see that. 

Where do I go from there?

Easy.  Just turn left at the Friendship Store and Ritan Park is straight ahead. 

You can’t miss it.
















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