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Michael Gabi’s intership report
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/31 21:49  英语周报大学版

  Michael Gabi’s intership report

  Michael Gabi was an exchange student to China.Now here is her report after the 3-month intership in China.

  Everyday things:

  There was absolutely no problem to get a visa for China with papers from IAESTE. The communication with the Company (Yantai Wanhua in my case) was working perfectly.

  The company provided lodging for free and the daily food at the company was very good and cheap. My fellows at the company were very helpful to got everything I needed.


  I travelled every weekend with my friends from the company and they simplified my life extremely because of my lack of Chinese language knowledge. It was also very diverting to travel with Chinese that knew so a lot about their own country.


  To all students in China please take care of the traffic, especially if you are riding bicycle!!!!!


  China is the ideal place to lose some weight! For foreigners it is maybe difficult to rice three times a day, but you can get used to it! The food overall is very delicious and you can try new dishes almost every day!

  Changing money:

  There were only some troubles in the bank of China with changing the money, even from Swiss Francs to Yuan, but the secretary of the company was dealing for me and after almost an hour it was done!

  You can not change back the money without receipt. Retain the receipt from the first change!


  Michael Gabi



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