新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你可以到商务中心去上网

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/01 00:10  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  You can go on the internet in the Business Centre.


  A I need to send some e-mails and check some things on the internet.

  A 我需要发几封电子邮件,还要在网上查一些东西。

  B You can do that in your hotel. You can go on the internet in the Business Centre.

  B 在旅馆里你就能做。你可以到商务中心去上网。

  A That’s good. Where is it?

  A 那太好了。商务中心在哪里?

  B Just ask at the Reception Desk. They’ll direct you to the Business Centre and tell you everything you need to know.

  B 问服务台就可以。他们会领你到商务中心,并且告诉你你想了解的所有事情。

  A Do you know if it’s expensive?

  A 你知道在那里上网贵吗?

  B No, I think it’s pretty cheap. It depends on how much time you use.

  B 不,我认为非常便宜。这取决于你上网时间的长短。

  Notes 注释

  1 E-mails are like letters, we send / send and receive / receive: e.g. I need to send some e-mails / I need to send some e-mails; Did you receive my e-mail? / Did you receive my e-mail?

  对于电子邮件就像信件一样,我们用send / 发送和 receive / 接收。例如:I need to send some e-mails /我需要发几封电子邮件; Did you receive my e-mail? /你收到我的电子邮件了吗?

  2 Remember the use of just / just before a verb when you give a simple instruction or piece of advice, e.g. Just ask at the Reception Desk / Just ask at the Reception Desk.

  记住当你想给出简单的指示或者建议时在动词前用just /只,仅。例如:Just ask at the Reception Desk /问服务台就可以。

  3 Remember also pretty / pretty before an adjective, when it means quite / quite, e.g. I think it’s pretty cheap / I think it’s pretty cheap.

  也请记住在形容词前用pretty /非常相当于quite /很。例如I think it’s pretty cheap / 我想它非常便宜。

Key phrases and sentences


I need to send some e-mails and check some things on the internet.

You can do that in your hotel. 

You can go on the internet in the

Business Centre.

That’s good.  Where is it?

Just ask at the Reception Desk. 

They’ll direct you to the Business

Centre and tell you everything you need to know.

Do you know if it’s expensive?

No, but I think it’s pretty cheap. 

It depends on how much time you use. 


















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