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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/11 17:41  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  You can find the opening times on the website.


  A Let’s go to the Museum at the weekend. There’s a fantastic new exhibition I’d like to see.

  A 咱们周末去博物馆吧。我想去那里看一个很棒的新展览。

  B Good idea. Where did you find out about it?

  B 好主意。你从哪里知道有展览的?

  A On the museum website. You can get all the information there.

  A 在博物馆网站上。在那里你可以查到所有的信息。

  B I must check it out. What time shall we go? Do you know when it opens at the weekend?

  B 我一定要查一下。我们什么时候去?你知道博物馆周末什么时候开吗?

  A No, but you can find the opening times on the website.

  A 不知道,但是我们可以在网站上找到开馆的时间。

  B OK, let me check the times and I’ll get back to you.

  B 好的,让我查一下时间然后回头告诉你。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember check / check and check out / check out when you are talking about finding information, e.g. I must check out the website / I must check out the website; I’ll check the opening times / I’ll check the opening times.

  记住当你谈论寻找信息时用check /查看和 check out /查找。例如I must check out the website /我必须查看一下这个网站;I’ll check the opening times /我将查找开馆的时间。

  2 Remember how to express a wish or a desire using I would like . . . / I would like . . . (or shorter form I’d like . . . / I’d like . . .) e.g.: There’s a fantastic new exhibition I’d like to see / There’s a fantastic new exhibition I’d like to see.

  记住当你表达愿望或者渴望时用I would like . . . /我想. . .(或者它的简写形式I’d like . . . /我想. . .)例如:There’s a fantastic new exhibition I’d like to see /我想去那里看一个很棒的新展览。

  3 I’ll get back to you / I’ll get back to you: you can use this when you want to tell someone you will either call them or tell them something you have found out or decided, e.g. When I decide, I will get back to you / When I decide, I will get back to you; When I find out the information, I’ll get back to you / When I find out the information, I’ll get back to you.

  I’ll get back to you /我将回头找你:当你想告诉某人你将给他打电话或者告诉他你的发现或者决定时用这个句子。例如When I decide, I will get back to you /当我做出决定时,我再回头找你; When I find out the information, I’ll get back to you /我查到信息之后,我再回头找你。

Key phrases and sentences


Let’s go to the Museum at the weekend. 

There’s a fantastic new exhibition I’d like to see.

Good idea. 

Where did you find out about it?

On the museum website. 

You can get all the information there. 

I must check it out. 

What time shall we go? 

Do you know when it opens at the


No, but you can find the opening times on the website.

OK, let me check the times and I’ll get back to you.




















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