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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/16 13:53  英语周报大学版


  "I have found that walking is the only exercise that really helped me to become fit. It is a gentle exercise and you can go at your own pace. Seven weeks ago, my blood pressure was 200/110. Today it is 108/77 and my pulse rate is 60 while resting. I lost 30 Ibs. and I feel great. "

  —from the walk talk board.

  Starting Out

  Thought you mastered walking at age one? Well, think again. Fitness walking isn't an afternoon stroll. We're going to get all of you beginners moving with an easy walking program that's guaranteed to help you get fit, toned, and on track with a fun cardiovascular(心血管的) work-out. Before you get started, let's run through some easy-to-follow walking tips. By following these key steps, you'll reduce your risk of injury, ensure that your body works at its peak.

  Remember to:

  Stand up straight. Look directly ahead. Imagine that a string is attached to the top of your head and is lifting you from the ground. Keep your shoulders back and relaxed, chest lifted, and tailbone(尾骨) pointing down to the ground.

  Relieve the stress points

  Relax your shoulders and shake out any tension from your arms and wrists. Bend your arms at the elbow about 83 degrees. Wiggle your fingers and then hold your hands in loose balls (pretend you're clasping a jumbo-size(大的) magic marker against your palms) . Swing your arms naturally-as you walk, but try not to let your hands extend above your chest.

  Keep your steps short and fast. The faster you move, the better your cardiovascular workout. Keep an even stride and maintain a steady pace.

Heel-to-toe motion

  As you walk, your heel should be the first part of your foot to hit the ground. Roll through the ball of the foot and push off with your toes. This motion reduces the risk of shin splints and tendon pulls.

  from thrive online



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