新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 在旅馆的夜总会里有一个迪斯科舞厅

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/30 15:22  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  There’s a disco in the club in the hotel.


  A  That was a good dinner. Time to go home now.

  A  晚餐很好。现在该回家了。

  B  Home? But it’s still early evening! We should go to a disco.

  B  回家?但是现在还不是很晚!我们应该去跳迪斯科。

  A  I’m too tired of a disco. Do you really want to go to one?

  A  我太累了,跳不动迪斯科了。你确实非常想去吗?

  B  Yes, why not? There’s a disco in the club at the hotel.

  B  是的,为什么不呢?在旅馆的夜总会里有一个迪斯科舞厅。

  A  Yes, and it’s noisy and expensive and I’m too tired. Maybe another night.

  A  是的,那里很吵闹,东西又贵,而且我还太累了。也许改天晚上吧。

  B  OK, OK. Maybe another night. But we should go sometime.

  B  好,好。也许改天晚上吧。但是我们将来应该去。


  1  Notice these various time phrases: time to go home / time to go home; it’s still early evening / it’s still early evening; maybe another night / maybe another night; sometime / sometime.

  注意这些时间短语:time to go home / 到回家的时间了; it’s still early evening /现在还不是深夜;maybe another night /也许改天晚上;sometime /将来的某个时间。

  2  Remember if you want to emphasise an adjective, you can put too / too before the adjective, e.g. I’m too tired (to go to the disco) ;It’s too noisy / It’s too noisy : It’s too expensive / It’s too expensive.

  记住如果你想强调某个形容词,你可以在它之前加上too /太,如此。例如:I’m too tired (to go to the disco) / 我太累了(不能去跳迪斯科了)It’s too noisy / 那里太吵闹了。It’s too expensive /那里东西太贵了。



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