新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 在英国,我们是左侧通行

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/10 23:49  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  In Britain, we drive on the left.


  A  Is there a big difference between driving in Beijing and driving in London?

  A  在北京开车和在伦敦开车有很大区别吗?

  B  Well, the biggest difference is that in Britain we drive on the left. Here, you drive on the right side of the road.

  B  哦,最大的区别是在英国我们是左侧通行。在这里,你们是右侧通行。

  A  Of course. I forgot! This must be very strange for you then?

  A  当然, 我忘了!你对这个一定感到很奇怪吧?

  B  Not really. I’m used to it. In Europe and America, they drive on the same side as China.

  B  不太奇怪。我习惯了。在欧洲和美国,也跟中国一样是右侧通行。

  A  So, is it only Britain that drives on the left?

  A  那么说,只有英国是左侧通行了?

  B  No, not at all. Hong Kong, Japan, India – they’re all the same as Britain. They drive on the left too.

  B  不,不是。在香港、日本和印度——都跟英国一样,都是左侧通行。


  1  You talk about differences between things / differences between things, e.g. What’s the difference in driving between Beijing and London? / What’s the difference in driving between Beijing and London?

  你谈论differences between things /两个事物之间的区别。例如What’s the difference in driving between Beijing and London? /在北京开车和在伦敦开车有什么区别?

  2  If something is unusual, you can describe it with various words, e.g. strange / strange; odd / odd; unusual / unusual; not typical / not typical, e.g. Driving on the right must be strange for someone from Britain / Driving on the right must be strange for someone from Britain.

  如果某事不寻常,你可以用不同的词语来描述它。例如strange / 奇怪的; odd / 奇特的; unusual / 不寻常的; not typical /不典型的。例如Driving on the right must be strange for someone from Britain /右侧通行一定使来自英国的人感到很奇怪。

  3  If you are used to something / used to something, then it is normal for you, e.g. It’s very cold in Canada, so I’m used to cold weather / It’s very cold in Canada, so I’m used to cold weather; I live in the centre of the city so I’m used to heavy traffic / I live in the centre of the city so I’m used to heavy traffic.

  如果你used to something /习惯于某事,那么它对你来说就是正常的了。例如It’s very cold in Canada, so I’m used to cold weather /加拿大非常寒冷,所以我习惯了寒冷的天气;I live in the centre of the city so I’m used to heavy traffic /我住在市中心,所以我习惯了繁忙的交通。

Key phrases and sentences


Is there a big difference between

driving in Beijing and driving in


Well, the biggest difference is that

in Britain we drive on the left. 

Here, you drive on the right side

of the road.

Of course.  I forgot! 

This must be very strange for you


Not really.  I’m used to it. 

In Europe and America, they drive

on the same side as China.

So, is it only Britain that drives on

the left?

No, not at all. 

Hong Kong, Japan, India – they’re

all the same as Britain. 

They drive on the left too.










当然, 我忘了!













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