2007年09月24日 10:31 信息时报
![]() He was accidentally caught by the fishing boat Brittania around 200 miles south west of Newlyn, Cornwall. Spiny lobsters are actually a type of crayfish and don't usually occur in British waters. Named Poseidon for his size and strength, this lobster dwarfs others, measuring two feet in length and a whopping nine-and a-quarter pounds. This Giant Pink Spiny lobster looks set to live out his retirement in an aquarium - and perhaps score a place in the record books. 双语:巨无霸龙虾问鼎英国之最(图) 这只“巨无霸”是在距离康沃尔半岛西南面200海里处被渔民偶然发现的。这只大螯虾与普通小龙虾是“亲戚”,而且它隶属的螯龙虾种类在英国非常罕。 巨型龙虾长约2英尺(61厘米),重9.25英镑(约4公斤),因此得名“波塞冬”(希腊神话中的海神)。当普通大龙虾遇上“波塞冬”,可谓是“小巫见大巫”。 这只巨型龙虾很可能要在水族馆度过它的下半生,而且很有可能问鼎“英国之最”。
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