2007年10月15日 09:56 信息时报
Cypriot-born eccentric Stelios Aroadiou had made a ear implanted into his arm. He had it created in a lab from cells and implanted into his skin last year. Originally he wanted it on his head as a kind of final front ear, but it was deemed too dangerous. Stelios, 61 - who calls himself Stelarc - searched for years to find a surgeon prepared to perform the tricky operation. Now the Australian-based performance artist has become a living exhibit, showing off his bizarre growth at an exhibition in Newcastle. His next plan is to install tiny transmitters ,"so people can hear the sounds my arm-ear is picking up." he said. 双语:我的手臂上长出了第三只耳朵 塞浦路斯出生的行为表演艺术家斯泰利奥斯·阿卡迪乌要通过手臂与人交流了,因为他的手臂上长着一只耳朵。去年他将一只通过细胞培养方式培殖成的耳朵移植到他的胳膊上。 斯泰利奥斯·阿卡迪乌,素来以艺名斯迪拉克(Stelarc)著名。最初他希望希望把耳朵移植到头上,但因为危险性太大而作罢。61岁的阿卡迪乌表示,他花了好多年才找到了一位愿意为他做移植手术的医生。现在,住在澳大利亚的这位行为艺术家已经成为一个活的展览品,在英国纽卡斯尔市的一个展览会上向人展示他身体上多出来的奇怪部件。 阿卡迪乌的下一个计划是在第三只耳朵里植入一个小麦克风,“这样人们就能听到我的那只耳朵到底在听些什么了。”他说。
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