好莱坞编剧罢工 制片厂出狠招应对(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月12日 10:49   信息时报


  A day after Hollywood's writers went out on strike, the major studios are hitting back with plans to suspend scores of long-term deals with television production companies, jeopardizing the jobs of hundreds of rank-and-file employees whose names never appear in the credits.

  Assistants, development executives and production managers will soon be out of work, joining their better-paid bosses who opted to sacrifice paychecks as members of the Writers Guild of America. At some studios, the first wave of letters are going out today, hitting writer-producers whose companies don't currently have shows in production."Anyone who's not working on pilots or shows is going to get suspension letters," said one top studio executive.

好莱坞编剧罢工 制片厂出狠招应对(图)



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