2007年12月10日 09:29 北京晚报
(Friday,December7) She only watches television dramas. Victor:她只看电视剧。Television drama通常指一小时长的电视剧,内容涉及法律、警察、医院等严肃话题。 Nancy:A television drama is usually an hour long,and is about law,police work,hospitals or families. (Saturday,December8) We’ll just do pot luck in the kitchen. Victor:我们在厨房里找些剩下的东西吃。 Nancy:Doing pot luck in someone’s house means that you just look through there frigerator for left overs and eat whatever’s there. Victor:Do pot luck in someone’shouse就是在朋友家的冰箱里找些剩下的食物,有什么就吃什么。 (Sunday,December 9) They’re taking a company retreat. Victor:他们公司将举行野外拓展活动,这是了解同事的一种很好的方式。 Nancy:Are treat is usually an activity for a company,a church or some kind of school organization. It’s a good way to get to know the people you are working with. (Monday,December10) He’s a dead beat dad. Victor:A dead beat dad 就是不肯付抚养费的父亲。 Nancy:A dead beat dad is someone who does not pay child support to take care of his child. (Tuesday,December 11) Keep your chin up. Nancy:If someone fails an exam,or loses a job,they will be very unhappy.Telling someone to keep their chin up means you’retelling them to cheer up,to be happy. Victor:如果某人考试没过关或者失业了,他们可能会情绪低落。keep their chin up就是告诉他们赶快振作起来。 (Wednesday,December12) He put all his cards on the table. Victor:他把一切和盘托出。Lay the cards on the table常用来形容一个人非常诚实。 Nancy: We use it to describe someone being completely honest. (Thursday,December13) My computer crashed. Victor:电脑瘫痪了。这是办公室常用语。电脑瘫痪了,你之前所做的东西可能都没了。 Nancy:When your computer has crashed,it means that it’s not working anymore,and probably erased everything you were working on.
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