2007年12月12日 14:27 河南报业网-大河报
Fans Sell Beckham Leftovers Through Internet Auction Fans of football superstar David Beckham are cashing in on his recent visit to New Zealand by trying to sell his food scraps and dirty dishes on the Internet. 足球巨星大卫·贝克汉姆近日在新西兰逗留期间吃剩的东西和用过的餐具竟被球迷当成“宝贝”在网上拍卖。 Among the items put up for sale on New Zealand website Trade Me are a half eaten corn cob,a nearly empty bottle of Coca-Cola and a single French fry,which the seller said Beckham had dropped during a stroll around Wellington. 这些在新西兰“易我”网上拍卖的“宝贝”包括:啃了一半的玉米棒、一瓶快喝完的可乐和一根薯条等。据卖家介绍,这根薯条是小贝在惠灵顿闲逛时掉的。 The chewed corn cob and soft drink came from a chicken restaurant where Beckham ate. The seller was also auctioning the plate and knife and fork he had used at the restaurant. 而啃了一半的玉米棒和快喝完的可乐是小贝在一家炸鸡店进餐时吃剩下的。小贝在这家餐厅用的盘子和刀叉也被卖家拿到了网上拍卖。
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