趣味英语:我们是感天动地的“奔奔族”“奔奔族”(rushing clan)是指那些年龄在20岁至30岁,正为实现自己的人生理想而奔波、奔忙的年轻人。人们眼中的“奔奔族”是什么样子呢? 绝大多数“奔奔族”出生于普通家庭(born into a common family),讲求特立独行(be independently minded)。与网络一同成长的“奔奔族”凭借网络“零成本”创业(start an undertaking at no cost),但有时也会“恶搞”(the act of using real film clips to create video spoofs)一下。 他们背负着沉重的经济压力(highly pressed by financial burdens),渴望成名(establish one’s reputation; make a name for oneself)和致富(become rich),为此加班(work overtime)、兼职(hold two or more posts concurrently),玩儿命工作(work recklessly, i.e. at the expense of health),充电学习(retrain or enrich oneself through a refresher course, etc./learn the new developments in one’s field/bring up to date in technology, etc.)。 不少“奔奔族”忽略了健身(body-building),身体处于亚健康状态(be in a state of subhealth)。
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