
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月16日 14:19   新浪教育


  Host: All right, now contestant No. 14 have answered all the three questions. Is she correct and how much can she get in this round? Let's listen to two of our judges.

  Judge: Contestant No. 14, you were supposed to answer three questions. And you've got the second one correct, which was they had to battle against their fears, and they had to rely on their instinct. So we give you 6 points for that answer. But for questions 1 and 3, I'm afraid you didn't give us the right answer. For question No. 1, you should have said they were looking for a mysterious machine, U-571, or just mention that they were looking for that machine. And for question No. 3, you could have mentioned it was under water and somebody was trying to blow them up. So, six points.

  Wang Qian: Thank you.

  Host: The next one is Cao Yijun from Shanghai. And welcome back contestant No. 1. Welcome back. Now you are ready? Would you need some time to warm yourself up?

  Cao Yijun: No, no, no.

  Host: It's not necessary. Let's go directly to numbers. Which is your choice?

  Cao Yijun: I choose No. 4.

  Host: No. 4?

  Cao Yijun: Yeah.

  Host: Ok, so video clip No. 4.(Rushmore) Question No. 1. Listen carefully please. Mount Rushmore is a shrine, to what?

  Cao Yijun: Especially it got four American greatest presidents in history.

  Host: ok, question No. 2. What made the sculptor decide to sculpt the American Presidents?

  Cao Yijun: Because he has lots of dreams, especially the sculpture dreams in America.

  Host: And question No. 3, what was Teddy Roosevelt's success?

  Cao Yijun: He carried out sort of a constitution to promote American economy. And he did a great job in the World War Two.

  Host: So this is your answer to question No. 3?

  Cao Yijun: The last but not least, I just want to add is that Teddy Roosevelt, he was the president for America for three times.

  Host: Was it mentioned in the movie? Actually, to answer this question you just need to have some general knowledge about this president. But that actually doesn't need to watch this video clip. Anyway, contestant No. 1 has answered all the three questions and now let's leave it back to the two judges.

  Coffman: This was a difficult question. Mount Rushmore is the monument or tribute to four American presidents. And you correctly answered the first question that it was four American presidents. But what made Borglum decide to sculpt the American presidents; you said it was his dream. It was more than that. It was his love for American history and the American dream. It was the American dream, not his dream that he was trying to portray in the sculpture. And the third question, what was Teddy Roosevelt's success? Unfortunately, there were two presidents of the United States with the same last name. The president that you were mentioning was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who did serve three terms during the Second World War. This was Teddy Roosevelt and the movie clip clearly showed that he was famous because it was during his time that they built the Panama Canal, which allowed traffic from the east to the west. So the total number of points that we allotted to you is nine.

  Host: Nine points, to contestant No. 1. Thank you. So contestant No. 14 has got six points and contestant No. 1 nine points. And now how much contestant No. 13, the next one, will get. So now let's welcome contestant No. 13, Pan Yu, from Jilin. All right, this is round two.

  Pan Yu: Yeah.

  Host: As I have mentioned, this is an elimination round, because after this round only six of you will stay with us for the following rounds. Anything want to say?

  Pan Yu: I'm confident in myself now.

  Host: So good luck to you.

  Pan Yu: Ok, thank you.

  Host: We have eight numbers left on the big screen. Which will be your choice?

  Pan Yu: I choose No. 2.

  Host: No. 2.(Library) Ok, here are the three questions. Are you ready?

  Pan Yu: Yeah.

  Host: Question No. 1, what is the initial notion of a library?

  Pan Yu: First it means, in the library you can touch the books by yourself. The original notion is that you can touch it at first and by your own hands. That's all.

  Host: That's it? Ok, question No. 2. What technology is used in British Library?

  Pan Yu: The computer technology. You can touch the screen, and it turns out, and then you touch it the second time, it unfolds the whole book. Some of them use the digital technology, and so you can search on it.

  Host: It's very interesting because this kind of technology to help you read so many books. Now listen to question No. 3, is the whole British Library digitized? Why or why not?

  Pan Yu: Not all of them are digitized, because only small portions, small part of it, are digitized. The woman said only half of them will search on internet. Not all of them will on the internet, because only small portion of it will be on the internet. Thank you.

  Host: These are the responses she has given to all the three questions, so professor Feng and professor Coffman are having a short discussion on her responses. So now let's listen to their judgments.

  Judge: All right. First of all, we would like to let you know the score, the average score between us, that would be 11.5. For the first question, you gave the wrong answer, because the initial notion of a library is that all the stuff is put in one place at one time so that people would come to use it there. The second question, you answered very well. You mentioned that the idea was digital. And the third question, was the whole British Library digitized? The answer was obviously no. But then you probably added a few things that were not accurate. However, we didn't take of any points from that. Maybe a little. So the average score you get for your three answers would be 11.5.

  Host: 11.5. Congratulations. Actually you should have answer question No. 1 correctly. You captured all the words from the video clip.

  Pan Yu: Yeah. But suddenly I forgot a lot of them. It's a pity.

  Host: Anyway, you are the highest among the first three contestants. Congratulations.

  Pan Yu: Thank you.

  Host: Thank you. Ok, the first three contestants have finished their question and answer in the second round. Zhu Hua will be back with the next three, so stay with us. Hi, everyone, welcome back. And now sitting on the stage is contestant No. 8, Zhao Wei, from Hubei.

  Zhao Wei: Hello everyone. Glad to see you again.

  Host: From the performances of the first three contestants in the second round, it seems that this part is a little bit difficult, so do you feel nervous now?

  Zhao Wei: Actually, I've got a lot of butterflies in my stomach right now. But I guess when the video clip is on, I'll be a little bit more relaxed.

  Host: Ok, so take a breath and now let's choose a number.

  Zhao Wei: I'm taking a breath. I'll choose No. 8.

  Host: No. 8.(Japanese Crane)

  Zhao Wei: I'm ready.

  Host: Question No. 1, why does the man need to dress as a bird?

  Zhao Wei: Because he had to feed the young bird. The dress-up prevents the young bird recognize him as the bird mother.

  Host: Ok, that's your answer for the first question.

  Zhao Wei: Yeah.

  Host: Question 2, why does the Japanese crane need to be protected? Please give us two reasons at least.

  Zhao Wei: First there are very limited number of birds on this planet in Japan. And second is that it is feared that disease will wipe them out of this planet.

  Host: Question 3, how does a baby bird recognize or find its mother?

  Zhao Wei: Well, when a baby crane opens its eyes, it just recognizes the first thing it sees as its mother.

  Host: Ok, great. And that's her answers to the three questions. Now professor Feng and professor Coffman will tell you whether they accept your answers as correct ones.

  Zhao Wei: Thank you.

  Coffman: You did a very good job in viewing this of the Japanese crane. The man dressed up as a bird and for several reasons. First, to play the role of the mother. Second, to raise the chicks. And third, because the birds are in danger of extinction. So there were three parts to that question and you answered correctly really just one. So we give you a lesser number of points for that question. Why does the Japanese crane need to be protected? Give two reasons. The first is that there are only 700 cranes in existence and the disease could wipe them out. But remember the second part of that was that they only lay two eggs each year. So you were given half the points for that question. And how does the baby crane find its mother? You said they recognize as their mother the first thing when they open their eyes. And that was correct. So we gave you a total of 10.5 points.

  Host: So 10.5 points for contestant No. 8. The fifth one who will take the listening part is contestant No. 10, Zhang Hanbing, from Sichuan. What do you think you will take this part?

  Zhang Hanbing: I'm a little bit nervous, because we all think that it almost feels the most difficult part in this competition. I'll just try my best. It's ok.

  Host: Ok, good luck. And then tell me you number.

  Zhang Hanbing: I would like to choose No. 9.

  Host: No. 9. Let's see what No. 9 is.

  (Outdoor Development Training)

  Host: Ok, are you ready now for the three questions?

  Zhang Hanbing: Yes.

  Host: Question No. 1, what does the insider say about outdoor development training?

  Zhang Hanbing: The outdoor development training is a new kind of training system. It will use the program to change people's behaviors. It depends on the attitude and personality.

  Host: Ok, that's your answer to question No. 1. Let's listen to question No. 2. What did the guest speaker say the training changes?

  Zhang Hanbing: The program changes first he mentioned the life changes. It changes the basic ways of train people to be individual, to help people to be more individual in outdoors.

  Host: Ok. For Q 3, how can we decide if the training program is successful?

  Zhang Hanbing: I think the program is to help people to be more individual in the society. To be successful, I think it will overcome your difficulties, face your problems, and change your personality when you are facing difficulties. I think, to encourage people, and to be more activity.

  Host: Ok, let's listen to the judges.

  Judge: First of all, we will give you a total of 10 points, I mean, average 10 points for your answers to the three questions. Question 1, you started very well, but there's one word that you missed, optimize. So, optimize people's attitude and personality and change people's behavior. For question 2, it changes the basic way you look at things. And our MC reminded you to say more but still you didn't give us exactly what we wanted. And for question 3, you mentioned a number of things. But the initial thing should be to make people's attitude change from individual to teamwork.

  Host: And thank you for this part. And next one will be contestant No. 5, Sun Jingjiao, from Liaoning. Take pen and paper with you for some notes?

  Sun Jingjiao: Yes.

  Host: Do you feel it's difficult for the previous contestants to do this part?

  Sun Jingjiao: Yes, I feel it's very difficult for them, but they all did their best. I think they are very good.

  Host: Ok, so get ready. The number you would like to choose is?

  Sun Jingjiao: I'd like to choose No. 5.

  Host: No. 5. Ok.(Ronan) Question 1, what are the four parts of Ronan's career?

  Sun Jingjiao: First he's an excellent songwriter, and then he's a singer, he has a passionate voice. And then he's the leading role boyzone. Fourth he is the agent for band of westlife.

  Host: That's your answer. You gave us the four parts. And later we will tell you whether they are right. The second question, why did the music on his album tie together so well?

  Sun Jingjiao: The symbol of his music is that although he has very passionate voice and you can sense nothing of the contrast.

  Host: Ok, that's your answer for question 2. And the last question, what's the significance of the song “When you say nothing at all?”

  Sun Jingjiao: That's the last song, maybe. Well, that's my answer. Thank you.

  Host: Judges, how about her answers?

  Coffman: We scored a total of five points for your answer. You did very well on the first question. The four parts of Ronan's career were as a singer, a songwriter, a leading role in Boyzone, and an agent to the band of Westlife. But on the second question, why did the music on his album tie together so well? The reason was he used the same musicians and producers that he had used before. And the third question, what's the significance of the song “When you say nothing at all?” You remember it was a song that was in the soundtrack of Nottinghill. And marked the first success of his solo career. And it was also the most popular love song of 1999.

  Host: So maybe next time you will have a good try? Thank you. Ok, these are the six contestants that are in the second part. Welcome back. The first six contestants have finished their second round. But so far no one has got a full mark. What do you think?

  Xie Rui: But they have already done a good job.

  Host: How much do you think you can achieve in this round?

  Xie Rui: Well, as more as I can.

  Host: Ok, so please select a number first on the big screen. And we have four numbers left.

  Xie Rui: I would like to choose No. 7.

  Host: No. 7. Luck seven.

  Xie Rui: Thank you.

  Host:(Three gorges) Listen carefully to question No. 1. As we all know, there were many relics in the Three Gorges area. What did the excavators do with the relics?

  Xie Rui: Well, the excavators they just wanted to move the historical places, for example the temple, to a safer place to save the historical sites. That's my answer.

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